On December 10, Dishon Mills was installed as the pastor of the merged church in Charlotte, NC. The Charlotte congregation and the Steele Creek church plant have now merged and are called Grace Communion Steele Creek.
“I can think of no one better suited and equipped by the Holy Spirit, at this moment in Grace Communion Steele Creek’s journey, to be the pastor and keep the faith community’s eyes on Jesus than Dishon Mills.” —Anthony Mullins
On Sunday, December 31, Ceeja Malmkar was commissioned as the assistant pastor of Grace Communion Surrey Hills in Oklahoma.
“Ceeja is an incredibly gifted woman who loves the Lord and his children. She has a special love for the neighborhood of Surrey Hills and for her and Lucas’ two sons Kacen and Ryker. She is a blessing to the team. I look forward to seeing how God uses her for his glory.” —Michael Rasmussen
On January 21, Jillian Morrison was commissioned as the pastor of the Glendora, CA congregation. Bermie Dizon retired and passed the baton to Jillian. The Monrovia and the Glendora congregations have combined as the Glendora church.
“I commission her into the position of pastor of Grace Communion Glendora and all the responsibilities, the roles, and the authority that go with that position. And I do not do so lightly, but I do so joyfully, knowing full well her resolution, her abilities, and the incredible gifts that God has given her.” —Tim Sitterley