GCI Update
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Seminary diplomas awarded

At the regional conferences in Dallas (July 23) and Orlando (August 6), three Grace Communion Seminary students were awarded Advanced Diplomas in Christian Ministry:

GCS board members Dan Rogers (left) and Joseph Tkach (second from left) award diplomas to GCI pastors Mike Horchak and Don Engle (at right).
GCS board members Dan Rogers (left) and Pat Shaw (right) award a diploma to Charles Taylor, standing with his wife Keysha.

Death of Leonard Schreiber

Leonard Schreiber died on August 4 at the age of 86 at his home in Aguanga, CA. His wife, Stella was at his side. Leonard is also survived by his son Randy Schreiber and his daughter Terry Schreiber Beaver (wife of John Beaver). Leonard, a long-time Elder, was a friend to many in Southern California. He pastored churches for several years then served in an administrative role in Pasadena. His smile, humor and wisdom will be missed. His funeral was held on August 10 in Altadena, CA. His son Randy officiated.

Cards may be sent to:

John and Terry Beaver
2305 Quail Hollow Dr
Bryan, Tx 77802
Mrs. Stella Schreiber
45120 Hwy 79, #109
Aguanga, Ca 925376



Church-Next Training in October

Church Administration and Development announces the upcoming Church-Next Training event.


Church-Next Training provides resources for starting new churches and helping established churches become more effective on mission with Jesus. Topics covered include:

  • Theological foundations for starting new churches
  • Determining a focus group or community
  • Developing culturally relevant ministries
  • Developing church planting teams
  • Starting new worship services
  • Gathering people for a new church
  • Funding church plants


October 11-15, 2011


GCI home office, 2011 E. Financial Way, Glendora, CA.


Church-Next Training is open to anyone who desires to learn to start a new church, or re-start an existing church. Presenters include Dr. Joseph Tkach, Dr. Dan Rogers, Dr. Randy Bloom and Lorenzo Arroyo.

How Much?

There is no cost for registration, but if you plan to attend please be sure to contact Randy Bloom (Randy.Bloom@gci.org) as soon as possible to let him know your intentions. You will pay the cost for your own lodging and meals during the event.

Printing Weekly Update

Some Weekly Update readers wish to print out hard copies of all or part of each issue to give to others. Here’s how:

1. Go to the online version of the Weekly Update at https://update.gci.org and print from there.

2. To print just the text from the “From the President” cover letter, click on the title of the letter (below the “From the President” banner). This will take you to a webpage with just the President’s letter displayed. Print it from there.

3. All other articles in the update are viewed from the website and may be printed from there as well.

Hazel Roberts ordained

GCI member Hazel Roberts was recently ordained Minister of Congregational Care at Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC) in San Leandro, CA.

Hazel’s husband, Jim, pastors One in Christ Community Church (CCC), the GCI congregation in San Leandro. CCC rents space from CPC, where Hazel has worked for twelve years as parish administrator. Among other duties, Hazel manages the use of CPC’s facilities by seven churches (including CCC), a day care center and several Boy Scout troops.

On June 5, Hazel and Jim attended a special CPC service in honor of their pastor (Hazel’s boss), who was retiring. Near the end of the service, Hazel was called forward with the announcement that she was being ordained! This was a surprise to her, and on her way up, she exclaimed, “But I’m not even a Presbyterian!” CPC’s pastor replied, “We decided not to hold that against you!” The whole congregation came forward to lay hands on Hazel. She was given an ordination certificate, a stole to wear around her neck, and a gold and silver cross necklace. The next Sunday (Pentecost), Jim was scheduled to preach at CPC and CCC. Unfortunately, he woke up ill and so Hazel, newly ordained, filled in – helping both congregations celebrate this special day that speaks to Christian unity.


Tribute to John Stott

John Stott, one of the most significant Christian leaders of the 20th century, died at age 90 on July 27.

Time Magazine named Stott alongside Nelson Mandela and Bill Gates as one of the “most influential people” of 2005. He was once described by Billy Graham as the “most respected clergyman in the world today”. Stott’s leadership of the evangelical movement helped move it from a rather narrow-minded fundamentalism after the Second World War, to the fastest growing section of global Christianity it is today.

For a memorial tribute to Stott’s life and ministry, click here.

Death of Jack R. Elliott

Jack R. Elliott died peacefully Sunday evening, July 24, with his wife Anne and his family at his side.

Mr. Elliott was a long-time employee of Ambassador College where he served in a number of capacities including Dean of Students and Facilities Director. He helped Herbert Armstrong develop the campus in Pasadena, CA. and founded Ambassador Club (and Spokesman’s Club), patterned after Toastmaster’s International.

After retirement, Mr. Elliott moved to Texas, where he served as an elder in the United Church of God. A memorial service was held on July 27 at the United Church of God hall in Big Sandy, Texas.