We are pleased to report that Surgay is doing better. His liver enzymes are lower, his white blood count rising and his kidneys are better. The doctors took him off the ventilator and took out the feeding tube. He is out of ICU and in a regular hospital room.
He continues to have trouble swallowing. Also, he still has swelling in his hands and feet (conditions the doctors say will resolve themselves). The doctors are not concerned about his pneumonia since they have been extracting fluid from his lungs. He seems to be responsive to visitors, though he can’t talk yet.
We are praising God for sparing Surgay’s life and for what he is now doing to heal him. Please continue to pray for Surgay and for his family
This prayer request is from district pastor Doug Johannsen concerning Surgay Kalahama, GCI pastor in Minot, North Dakota.
Surgay’s wife Jan called to report that Surgay recently contracted strep throat. A few days ago it grew worse and his kidneys and liver failed. He is now in intensive care at Minot’s Trinity Hospital. His blood pressure is quite low, his liver enzymes high and he is on dialysis. The doctors feel he is doing okay, but can’t seem to clear the infection.
Cards may be sent to:
Jan Kalamaha 26101 55th Street SE Max, ND 58759-9542
We have had several prayer requests concerning Jason Richards (click here for the last one). We are pleased to report that he is doing fairly well as he continues to wait for a heart transplant. For an inspiring newspaper article about Jason, click here.
During the closing worship service at the recent Orlando, Florida GCI Regional Conference, members spent time together in a “concert of prayer.” As part of that concert, intercessory prayer was offered on behalf of the Sikh community in Oak Creek, Wisconsin where several were murdered recently during one of their worship services.
This prayer was in response to a request that had come from the Sikh-American Community. They asked for prayer for the injured, for the grieving families, and for time to reflect in memory of the victims. The request also noted that at the end of every Sikh worship service, the congregation makes a request of the Divine in a prayer called ardas, which says in part, “May everyone in the world be blessed and may good come to all.” The goal of the prayer request was that churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, gurdwaras and community centers across America might together send a message of blessing for all and that together we stand against hate and intolerance and as part of a common humanity.
For an article about this prayer request, click here.
Maureen Warkentin, who works in GCI’s home office in Glendora, California, requests prayer for her family. Her father, George King (age 85), recently suffered a massive stroke and fell, breaking his hip and shoulder. The doctors could do little for him and placed him in hospice care. He died on Friday, August 3.
Please pray for comfort for Maureen, her mother and brother as they face this loss together.
Cards may be sent to:
Maureen Warkentin 1484 Valencia Ave Pasadena, CA 91104
Prayer is requested for Hans-Juergen Mittag, a GCI elder in Germany. He has a malignant growth on the side of his throat that has been bothering him for a while. It s not clear yet whether the cancer has spread to other parts of his body. More medical examinations are planned.
Hans-Juergen, who is 80 years old, and his wife Rosl have served our Munich congregation for many years. Please pray for healing, encouragement and comfort.
We are saddened to learn of the death of Charlie Piscitello who formerly pastored the GCI congregation in Batavia, New York. He died on July 30 and was buried on August 4 in Batavia.
Charlie was born with cataracts and glaucoma, and following several childhood accidents had both eyes removed. He attended the New York State School for the Blind. It was there on a coal pile that he found a guitar. He taught himself to play and later formed a band with several classmates and an instructor at the school.
Charlie’s first recordings were made at the school. After leaving the school in 1961, Charlie formed a band, playing in various western New York venues. Later, he hired a manager and began touring. On one occasion, Charlie filled in for the Eagles as the opening act for Blood, Sweat, and Tears. Charlie’s music and charm impressed the band, who offered him a contract to continue the tour.
With the stage name Charlie Starr, Charlie cut several single records and two albums: Just Plain Charlie and Tough and Tender. His musical career spanned all fifty states, touring with individuals and groups, including the Moody Blues, James Taylor, Johnny Cash and the Carter family, Tina Turner, the Carpenters, and Yes. James Taylor graciously offered Charlie his song, One Man Dog in reference to Charlie’s guide dog, Princess, pictured on the Just Plain Charlie album cover (see cover picture, above).
Charlie and Judi
Abandoning fame and fortune to tune pianos and serve the Lord in ministry, Charlie left his musical career and dedicated his music and his life to the Lord. In 1991, while living on a dairy farm in Greene, NY, Charlie met Judi, and not long after their marriage in 1992, Charlie began a small Bible study group in their home in Batavia.
In 1997, Charlie was ordained an elder in the Worldwide Church of God. He then became pastor of GCI’s Batavia Christian Fellowship, which later merged with Faith Community Chapel.
When his health began to fail, Charlie pastored a small house church and participated in a prayer ministry with Care-A-Van Ministries. He also occasionally joined the Care-A-Van band, sharing the gospel at every opportunity.
Charlie is survived by his wife Judi, four sons, two brothers, a sister, four sisters-in-law, numerous nieces and nephews and five grandchildren.
Cards may be sent to:
Mrs. Judi Piscitello 205 Bank St Batavia, NY 14020-1503
This update is from Lorenzo Arroyo, GCI’s Mission Director for Mexico.
I am saddened to report that Pastor Hector Cruz died on July 26 in Mexico City. He went into the hospital for dialysis and there contracted pneumonia. Alfredo Mercado, who is GCI’s National Leader for Mexico and pastor of the GCI church in Guadalajara, officiated at Hector’s funeral on July 28.
Pastor Hector Cruz and his wife EugeniaPastor Natanael Cruz
Hector Gerardo Cruz Rangel was born on Sept. 10, 1949, in Mexico City. He was much loved by his congregation in Mexico City where he served as pastor since 1994. His wife, Eugenia, preceded him in death in March of this year. Hector is survived by two sons, Gamaliel and Natanael, and by two grandchildren. Our hearts and prayers are joined with the family in their time of grief.
Hector’s son, Natanael Cruz Sanchez, has been appointed to succeed his father as pastor of the Mexico City church. He is the third generation in his family to be ordained in ministry. Natanael worked closely with his father and at age 25 is a well-respected leader in the church. Our prayers and support are with Nathanael as he receives the pastoral leadership baton.
Charles reports that he is doing much better – he preached in his congregation last Sunday! The cancerous soft tissue is shrinking and dissipating. The fluid around his lungs has reduced significantly. In other words, he is responding well to the chemotherapy. All are encouraged by his progress.
Charles now faces two more rounds of chemotherapy. Though each round sets him back a week or two, all is looking good. He appreciates all the prayers and support and asks that we continue to pray as he completes his treatment.
Cards may be sent to:
Charles Shelton 2674 Climax Rd Orlando, KY 40460-8939
We are saddened to learn that Kayte (Youngblood) Wolverton died on July 21 following a long and courageous battle with ovarian cancer. She died in a hospice facility near Vancouver, Washington. She and her husband Monte had moved to the area a few years ago to be near their daughter Monika, their son-in-law Simon and granddaughter Annika.
Kayte, like her husband Monte, graduated from Ambassador College and then worked in publishing ThePlain Truth magazine, first for Grace Communion International, then for Plain Truth Ministries.
Kayte is survived by Monte, her mother Esther, her stepfather John Livingston, her daughter Monika Spykerman, her son-in-law Simon, her granddaughter Annika, her foster daughter Gadiela Gallant with her husband Daniel and their children Kate and Matthew.
Cards may be sent to:
Monte Wolverton 18907 NE Cole-Witter Rd Battle Ground, WA 98604-7563