We recently requested prayer for John Nelson who is part of the team that pastors the Pikeville, KY congregation (click here for the original prayer request). Here is an update.
John’s wife Shirley took him to Lexington, KY to get the results of the tests on his brain tumor that was removed by surgery. During the visit, the doctor found a blood clot on John’s thigh and admitted him to the hospital where they started him on blood thinners. Subsequently he had heart problems and was rushed to the cardiac floor where he was stabilized. The doctor thinks a piece of the blood clot broke loose and travelled to the heart.
While in the hospital, John learned that his brain tumor was cancerous. This was shocking news, because following the surgery six weeks ago, they told him they didn’t think the tumor was cancer. They are doing further testing while John remains in the hospital. He continues on blood thinners. When things stabilize he will go home and begin cancer treatments (probably chemotherapy and radiation). These treatments will probably have to be received in Lexington. This will create a hardship since Shirley’s job is in Pikeville.
John and Shirley will be facing many difficult decisions. They seek God’s direction, and solicit your prayers for wisdom and healing.
Cards of encouragement may be sent to:
John & Shirley Nelson 165 Cecil Hills Drive Pikeville, KY 41501