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Update from South Africa

Here is a report from GCI-Canada National Director Gary Moore concerning his recent trip to South Africa.

Wendy and I joined with Tim Maguire (GCI’s National Director for South Africa and Missions Director for Southern Africa). We presented two day-long leadership training seminars, one in the Johannesburg area and the other in the Cape Town area. We were pleased to see the continued maturity and growth in the leaders and other members. People are processing the core concepts of Trinitarian theology well and are feeling a renewed excitement in sharing the gospel from the perspective that God loves all people and that all indeed are included. They have their challenges, including lingering effects of the global recession. However, they are tackling life’s challenges with strong confidence in our Triune God’s faithfulness.

After the trip to Cape Town, we visited a church plant in the community of Westlake. The Cape Town South GCI congregation is parenting this plant in an area with significant numbers of immigrants from other parts of Africa. It is inspiring to see this initiatives.

We were also inspired to hear about Tim’s recent trips to Mozambique. He is working there with 87 churches (with a combined attendance of about 4,000) that have now joined GCI. This development testifies that we are indeed participating where God is already at work!

A combined worship service in Johannesburg with 154 in attendance:







Participants in the leadership seminar in Cape Town:

One thought on “Update from South Africa”

  1. I attended the presentation and it was awesome, afterwards no questions, no doubt where Christ is leading the church and His love for the rest of humanity, thanxs so much wendy and garry

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