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New Hope baptism service

The Sunday worship service on July 24 at New Hope Christian Fellowship (the GCI congregation in Eagle Rock, CA), was particularly joyful. Six youth and one adult were baptized! Each newly baptized person was given a baptism certificate and a white towel with the New Hope logo and the word Servant in gold lettering. The towel is a reminder that Jesus took a towel and served his disciples by washing their feet.

New Hope pastor Glen Weber and youth leader Mat Morgan baptize James Moody:









James Moody baptizes his son D’Andre:













Pastor Glen Weber (far right) stands with newly baptized members (left to right): Ttendo Williams, James Moody, D’Andre Moody, Collin Ledbetter, Stephen Hamme, Sara Garcia, Trey Carlisle, Nicolette Galvez and Angelica Galvez (Nicolette and Angelica were baptized a few weeks previously). Fourteen youth have been baptized at New Hope over the last twelve months.








In attendance to witness Sara Garcia’s baptism were five generations of her family (all have been baptized through GCI/WCG); left to right: Teresa Cruz, Nickie Vargas, Christina Garcia, Isaiah Romero, April Galvez and Nicolette Galvez.