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Grace Stokes

Pastor Jim Stokes is praising God, and asking for additional prayer for his wife Grace:

It was tough day last Wednesday. Gracie was fighting to get her breath. She had been feeling “punky” for several days and tired easily. She seemed better in the afternoon and evening but we both concluded that she should see our doctor. So on Wednesday morning we called our doctor and got ready to go to his office. When he didn’t call back we decided to go to the hospital ER about 5 miles away. They treated her like she was a queen! They ran many tests, gave her medication to remove congestion around her lungs and for her heart, and gave her oxygen.

They monitored her through Thursday and kept her overnight. They believed she had a clogged artery and scheduled angiography for Friday morning. That test showed that her veins and arteries are surprisingly clear, and no further physical treatment is needed. On Friday night we came home.

Tests show that Grace’s heart is weakened to 20% of normal function. This will be treated this with medication, diet and possibly exercise therapy. She has to take it easy, which means no lifting and no housework. I think I’ve been set-up! However, I praise God that she’s breathing well and does not need oxygen. Her appetite has returned and I take that to be a good sign. Considering everything including age, Gracie is doing very well. The hospital treatment was GREAT and the doctors highly skilled. We thank God for answering many prayers in such a speedy, positive way. We do ask for continuing prayer for her.

4 thoughts on “Grace Stokes”

  1. Jim, tell Gracie that Sonny and Jane are praying for the both of you. We have many fond memories of our work together with Mr. Rice. We will always remember our trip to the churches in California together and the laughs we shared. Stay strong…. sonny and jane parsons

  2. Jim & Grace, So sorry to hear about Grace’s latest incident. You both are in our prayers. Glad you’re going to have the opportunity to upgrade your house-keeping skills. 🙂 It certainly adds a great deal more pressure on you to become the care-giver too. But Sharon and I know you’re up to it…you’ve always taken great care of Grace. We miss you guys. Don & Sharon Lasher

  3. Thinking of you, and do hope with the arrival of each fresh day you are feeling much improved and are on your way to a full recover.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

  4. Jim and Grace,
    I too have many fond memories of working together with both of you in Pasadena and will certainly be praying for you.

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