Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Thank you so much for the many thoughtful expressions of love that Tammy and I received during pastor appreciation month! Believe me, it is our sincere joy and privilege to serve alongside you in the ministry of Jesus Christ.
I returned recently from our annual GCI festivals in France and the UK (see the pictures below), where dozens of people asked us to convey their love and thanks for all of you. Dan and Barbara Rogers joined Tammy and me for these, and Mike Feazell, who had spoken at our GCI festival in New Zealand and visited our combined Tasmanian congregations in Hobart, joined us in London.
It was the first time Dan and Barbara had been to France and the UK, and they were most warmly received by the churches. When Dan was giving his presentation in London, I think it was the most relaxed I have seen him in years. I think the visit was a blessing both for the European members and for Dan and Barbara.
Following the conference in England, Mike and I met with our European national directors for updates, mutual encouragement and prayer together. I do ask that you remember to pray for our European members and congregations. The economy in Europe, as in many parts of the world, is going through turbulent times. In such times it is all the more needful that we not neglect to support one another in prayer, both for strength and for hope as we are all one in Christ.
Congratulations to our church in Holland! They have completed the legal work necessary to officially change their name to Grace Communion International. Where it is feasible and appropriate, other international areas are taking similar steps.
Also, congratulations to Bill and Kathy Miller, whose grandson, Ethan Benjamin Mills (pictured at right), was born recently to their daughter Elizabeth and her husband, Jamin Mills.
As always, dearly beloved in Christ, let us remember that prayer is the battleground where we fight the good fight of faith.
Blessings from my family to yours,
Joseph Tkach