Roy Page, GCI’s pastor in Vancouver and Prince George, Canada recently had a heart attack while visiting one of his daughters in the B.C. interior. He was hospitalized and released. Here is an update from Roy:
Email Roy at Send cards and notes to: Roy and Sheila Page 3825 Brockton Cres North Vancouver, BC V7G 2K6 CANADAWe have just returned home, and I am feeling fine. I’m not allowed to drive for 30 days and have to gradually work back to normal activity (exercise, lifting objects etc.). Having a heart attack was the last thing I thought would happen to me but fortunately – through God’s grace – I survived it, although I ended up with two stents in the heart and some heart muscle damage and now have to take medication to ensure that the same thing doesn’t repeat itself and my heart has the chance to recover fully. But – God willing – I should be back to normal activity within a month. Thanks and appreciation for everyone’s prayers and concern.
Dear Mr. Page,
We are sorry to hear of your heart attack. May God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, keep you snuggled closely in His caring, loving, compassionate and healing arms during your recovery.
Thinking of you.
In Christian Love
Grace Covenant Fellowship
Birmingham, Alabama
With hope and prayers for a speedy full recovery.
Dear Roy
Glad to hear you came through and are raring to go – perhaps taking it a bit slower.
You baptised me many moons ago – I’ve sent you an email with more details to jog your memory.