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Crossing Borders to Mexico

A group of missionaries from GenMin’s Crossing Borders ministry are leaving on Friday, December 9 for a weekend trip into Mexico. The group will visit two colonias (very poor neighborhoods) and one children’s home where they will distribute 400 shoebox gifts (most donated by GCI members from about a dozen different U.S. congregations), to sing Christmas songs, to share an Incarnation message, to cook and feed the kids, to play and show the love of God.

After the shoebox trip ends, four of the group will fly south to visit Karen Salinas and her 16 foster children. The group last visited with Karen and her kids about 18 months ago when they lived in northern Mexico near the U.S. border. However, they had to move south due to border violence. Please pray for the group’s safety and that their ministry will be a blessing to many.

3 thoughts on “Crossing Borders to Mexico”

  1. Praying that you will be a blessing to those you serve and that, through the giving of yourselves, that you will receive a blessing as well. Go in the strong love of the Lord!

  2. Update: Steady cold rain in Laredo all day Saturday during shoebox distribution. The 2 rental vans were stuck in mud the bulk of the day. The day’s schedule was severely delayed, but boxes got distributed & the lunch at the children’s home ended up being supper instead! The group of 4 flying on to interior Mexico on Sunday (today) are delayed at the airport due to socked in weather conditions; flight may be cancelled…waiting to hear. Your continued prayers are appreciated!

  3. Update 12/16: Solid week of rainy weather in Laredo kept flights grounded all week. Group of 4 ended up taking 7-hr bus trip to interior Mexico to visit Karen late Tuesday the 13th & returned via bus on Friday the 16th. Participated in ministry work with local pastor Sunday, Monday & Tues morning, so great future connections were made. God IS good! Thank you all for your prayers!

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