The following update is from Hector Barrero who pastors GCI’s congregation in Bogota, Colombia.

An important part of our outreach in Bogota is conducting marriage enrichment classes that are open to the public.
We began a new round of classes on February 25, with an introductory meeting attended by 31 nonmember couples. We connected initially by publicizing the classes on our radio program.

The members of our congregation who will teach these classes have been trained to present a Trinitarian, grace based perspective on marriage enrichment.
Those who signed up for the classes, which last about four months, will attend in various locations around the city. The largest of these groups with eight couples will meet at our church hall.
Holding these classes in the past has brought new members into our congregation. To accommodate this growth, we have recently added a second Sunday worship service. One starts at 8:00 am and the other at 10:30 am. Having two services provides ample room to receive newcomers, opportunities for additional preachers, and possibilities for developing other leaders within the congregation.