We are pleased to announce that Eric Wilding, a GCI elder and professor at Grace Communion Seminary was recently awarded the Doctor of Ministry degree from Wycliffe College, Toronto School of Theology and University of Toronto. Eric’s wife, family and some church family attended the graduation ceremony in joyful support.
Eric thanks all who gave him their prayers and other forms of support throughout the five-year process of obtaining his degree.
Eric’s thesis is titled Toward the Trinity: Transforming Theology and Lives of the Ministers in the Worldwide Church of God/Grace Communion International. The research question was “What effects has the 1993 shift in the Worldwide Church of God’s doctrine of the Triune God had on its ministers’ understanding of and relationships with God, self and congregation?” Eric is considering options for publishing the thesis in book form.
Congratulations Eric! I’m sure you are both pleased and relieved that the degree work is completed. I remember one of my professors telling me
that the best dissertation is a “done” dissertation!
All the best in your ministry and teaching.
Larry Hinkle
Woo Hoo Eric. All the hard work has paid off. Blessings my brother.
Hearty congratulations, Eric. We are so very proud of you and it’s great to note you have seen the “light at the end of the tunnel” and it’s not another train!
Blessings to you and your family, dear brother and friend,
Ross and Tammy Jutsum
Eric, your insightful expounding of “Abba, Jesus and Holy Spirit” throughout your thesis is inspirational and trinitarian to the core – well done! David Sheridan
Congratulations Eric,
Edna and I are very happy for you. We look towards reading your book when it becomes available! This accomplishment required sacrifices and patience from you and all your family. Thank you for your rich contribution to GCI and to so many others.
Eric and Edna
Congratulations Eric,
How times fly from when we last chatted about your thesis, in Edmonton
How can we get to read it?
Trevor & Vickie Cherry