This update is from Neil Earle, senior pastor of GCI’s congregation in Glendora, CA.

New Covenant Fellowship of Glendora, CA observed its 15th annual Hispanic Heritage celebration on Cinco de Mayo (May 5), with 66 people in attendance. These included guest speaker pastor Heber Ticas, his wife Xochilt and their son Christian from Comunion de Gracia, GCI’s Spanish-speaking congregation in Sun Valley, CA.
Pastor Ticas reminded the attendees of the importance of learning the lesson from days such as these – the need to come out of our own mental and spiritual “villages” as indicated by Jesus’ attitude of tolerance in Luke 9:51-55. He contrasted Jesus’ attitude toward a hostile ethnic group to the vengeful prejudicial attitudes of his own disciples.

A group of suitably attired singers began the festivities. A delicious meal was then served and children enjoyed the candy shower from smashing the piñata. As Mexico gave the world chocolate and chewing gum, this was only fitting.
“Perhaps the best Cinco de Mayo we have yet had,” added Janet Shay of the Glendora church’s advisory council.