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Bernie Schnippert

This health update and prayer request is from Bernie Schnippert, GCI’s legal counsel.

I recently learned that my carcinoid cancer has spread considerably and has infected both more soft tissues and the bones in my upper abdomen area. This spreading was discovered when I had more extensive tests after breaking my sternum (very painful but now essentially healed). The spreading of the cancer obviously has implications for longevity but no one knows for sure exactly what this means. For now, I continue to be able to do my job, so please do not hesitate calling or emailing the Legal Department with church business.

As you can imagine, this whole scenario is especially stressful to me and my wife Arlene after recently losing our daughter to breast cancer. Please pray for strength for Arlene and courage for me.

Cards may be sent to:

Bernie and Arlene Schnippert
64651 Jan Dr
Bend, OR 97701-8824


15 thoughts on “Bernie Schnippert”

  1. Dear Mr. Schnippert,

    Brigida and I just wanted to let you know we are praying for you asking our dear Father to bring under control the cancer spreading according to His perfect will and to encourage you every day in your long battle. You are a good fighter and with God’s help you are being a great example to other who are suffering health problems. We pray may God comfort and strengthen Arlene in all this trial. God is with us all the way through and He is our Strength. Love from my wife and me.

    Pedro Rufian
    CGI Spain

  2. Dear Bernie,

    You and the family have been and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

    In Christ,
    Santiago and Elke

  3. Dearest Bernie,

    I will certainly keep you in my prayers.

    I also wanted you to know how your God-given Amazing sense of humor so deeply touched my wife Nan and I from the very start of our Pasadena experience in the summer of 1987. We had just arrived to the campus from Ohio. I had been accepted to the college as a newly married-student and we had all the joys and fears and God-given expectancy of campus life homesickness of being so far away.

    We had never heard you speak, and I can’t recall if we even new who you were. It was a singles weekend on campus, and you were at that time wearing your distinguished hair-piece, although we didn’t realize it at the time. You captured our hearts from the moment you opened your mouth and said, “Well it’s no surprise that you are here for singles weekend, because you are some of the ugliest people I have ever seen.”

    The audience roared with laughter including Nan and me, as we looked at each other with huge grins not believing what we just heard. At that moment, it seemed as if, yes, this is going to be a great journey that we’ve set out on and well worth the sacrifices we had made to get there that included selling most of everything we had.

    Even though we never met personally, other than a short ride in the elevator in the Hall of Ad, you have always been such a masterful stage presence. You were one of the five personalities I could count on one hand that Nan and I looked so forward to hearing from, standing head and shoulders with our favorites, Greg, Carn, John H, and the late and never to be forgotten, Joe Sr.

    God-bless you for such a deep influence you have had on our lives, and for the tireless service you have given to our beautiful denomination.

    The future has not been written yet my friend, and none of us no how much more time God will grant us this side of eternity, but please know, that for this, now not so young couple anymore, we will never ever ever forget you and the impact you made on us, at such a needed time.

    My personal love to you, Arlene, and family,
    Craig (and Nan)

  4. Dear Bernie,
    You and Arlene are in our prayers and the prayers of our congregation. Thank you for your dedication in health and through illness and sorrow.
    In Brotherly Love,
    Willard & Brenda High and the members of The Shepherd’s Community Church

  5. Dear Bernie and Arlene,

    I want you to know that our two churches, one in Omaha NE and the other in Sioux City IA have never stopped praying for you and your family from the beginning announcement of the trials your family has faced. Our faithful God is always with you and Arlene, and we want you to know we are alongside you too. To encourage you by our faithfulness in prayer, with many many others, who deeply love you both in Christ unto our great future with Him in Glory! May Jesus intervene for you is our prayer! In Christ, David and Linda Husmann and members here.

  6. Dear Friend Bernie, I’m not like you who always seemed to know what to say to every situation, so I’m again a little speechless about this latest seeming reversal in your health process. We go back to 1967 and you have made much impact on Hazel and I in various ways over the years. What you and Arlene and daughters have been through seems outrageous somehow, but your dauntless quest of battle has been a continuing inspiration. God ain’t done with us yet, and we await how He will yet work in and through you to help the rest of us heal of our petty hangups. Our members will continue prayers and our Sweet Lord will continue to do a Isaiah 40:11 on you and yours no matter what.
    Love In Him Hazel & JR

  7. Bernie, thank you for keeping us updated on your health situation. I cannot imagine the stress and strain you and Arlene have been/are going through. You amaze me by your faithful, positive and realistic outlook. You are on your own personal journey of which our amazing God will use every moment to His glory and to form you into a unique child of His. We will not stop praying for your physical healing and trusting in God to take good care of you.

  8. Hello Bernie,

    Thanks for the update on your health. We are praying for you brother and will continue to do so. We are deeply thankful for all you have done and continue to do for all of us in GCI. I am so sorry about the loss of your daughter. Please know that you are deeply loved and appreciated!

    Mike & Juli

  9. Nancy and I are praying for courage for you and strength for Arlene.

    Ken & Nancy

  10. Dear Bernie,

    I know we can’t begin to imagine what you and your family have been going through. We know God holds you in the palm of His almighty hand, and is working out something far more glorious than we could ever imagine — the glory that will be revealed in us. We have many fond memories over the years, and deeply appreciate your many contributions to our denomination. You have been in our prayers, and will continue to be — regularly.

    With our prayers and love, Ray and Carol Meyer

  11. Hi Bernie,
    Thank you for keeping us informed of your situation. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Arlene. We treasure our friendship with you.
    Love Dennis & Norma Thibault

  12. Wanted to let you know that you and your family are in prayer, heart and thought during this difficult time.
    In Christian Love,
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

  13. Hello Mr. Schnippert, our prayers are with you. We thank God for your determination and perserverance as you continue to work and heal. May God extend more and more mercy to you as you continue to share your love and talents to the church and others. You are a wonderful example of faith. Love to your wife. PS. I met you many, many years ago in Las Vegas. Be blessed as you continue to be a blessing. Love and best wishes.

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