This update is from Hector Barrero, GCI regional director for Latin America and pastor of the Bogota, Colombia congregation.
GCI members in Barranquilla and Bogota, Colombia expressed their deep appreciation to the Tkaches for their recent visit to Colombia. This was the first time that a president of our denomination visited Colombia. Members were impressed with Joe and Tammy’s accessibility, kindness and gentleness.

On April 18 (Good Friday), the Tkaches and Barreros visited the Barranquilla congregation, which is a one-hour flight from Bogota. They returned to Bogota the same day. In Bogota on Saturday afternoon, Tammy Tkach spoke on the freedom and responsibility we have in Jesus. Joseph Tkach then spoke about how God is working with our denomination around the world.
In worship services on Easter Sunday, Tammy spoke on the true rest that we have in Jesus and Joseph spoke about Jesus’ last words on the cross.