GCI Update
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Africa update

Baptisms in Kenya and Malawi

GCI-Kenya national director Anthony Gachanja reports eight baptisms in the Naivasha, Kenya congregation (see the three pictures below). Anthony commented, “We are thankful to God because of his grace. We are really humbled by God’s love for this church.”

baptism 1 baptism 2 baptism 3

GCI-Malawi national director Gardner Kunje reports that 26 people were baptized in a service at the Blantyre congregation. Those baptized (see picture below) attend GCI’s congregations in Mbulumbuzi, Mombezi and Mpanda. Gardner commented, “We praise God for bringing more people to our fellowship.”

baptism 4

Church hall dedicated and leaders commissioned in Kenya

Kenya 1Recently, a wonderful service was held in GCI’s congregation in Naivasha, Kenya (near Nairobi) to dedicate a new church hall (pictured at right) and to commission new church leaders. Present at the service were GCI-Africa mission developers Tim Maguire (accompanied from South Africa by Lova Rafiringason) and Kalengule Kaoma.

Tim said, “Lova and I had a truly uplifting time. We were fortunate to be at this special service. The church in Naivasha started as a three-member Bible study. That group approached GCI for affiliation after being interrogated by local police. Now, about six years later, the congregation’s new church hall was packed with over 300 people (see picture below, left). It’s amazing how powerful it is when we participate in the work that Christ is doing in communities!” During the service, Pastor Michael Thuku Boro (pictured below, right with his wife) was ordained an elder and Daniel Murange Muriuki, David Mumo Nzuki and Mark Onyango Owour were commissioned to provide leadership in their respective GCI congregations in Kabatiro, Mitamboni and Homa Bay.

Kenya 3 Kenya 2 Kenya 4

Ordinations in Cameroon

Recently, eight members from various GCI congregations were ordained as elders in a ceremony held in Yaoundé, Cameroon. The ceremony was led by GCI-Cameroon president Jean Jacques Ndoudoumou. Those ordained (pictured below) were Agnes Don Balinga (Limbe congregation); Victoire Marie Genevieve Eboumbou (Douala); Rosalie Ndoudoumou (Yaoundé), Jean Zambo (Minlongo/Sianfou); Roger Kolokosso A Bediang, Jean Joel Begnikin, Joel Ferdinand Ndayi Mpinda (all from the Yaoundé congregation) and Armand Pierre Essam (South Region).

Cameroon ordinations

3 thoughts on “Africa update”

  1. Great stuff!!!
    Jannice and I along with our children Angela and Bradley. We all have fond memories of Africa as we meet some wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ! The growth of the churches there is inspiring.

  2. We thank and praise GOD for the wonderfully blessed work HE is doing in the “Motherland.” Our many trips to parts of Africa, has endeared us tremendously to our sisters and brothers there. They are a loving and wonderful example of the love of JESUS. Their dedication to their calling is noteworthy and encouraging to us. It is amazing they can do so much with so little, we see GOD’s hand in their lives. Our love and best wishes to them all and we continue to pray for GOD to shower them with HIS mercy and grace. love

  3. It is always encouraging to read such updates. The gospel message continues to bring hope and joy to the physically and spiritually poor around the world. Thanks for sharing.

    In Christ,

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