GCI Update
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Converge is coming!

This announcement is from Anthony Mullins, national coordinator of GCI Generations Ministries.

Converge 2014We’re in the count-down to Converge 2015! We have 170 people registered and we’re expecting a big push as registration closes on February 28. Please register as soon as possible—hotel room space is running out and we want to make sure you have a comfortable room in which to stay. Click here for additional information and here to register (sign-in required).

Paul Young
Paul Young

We’re excited that Wm. Paul Young, author of The Shack and Crossroads, will be our featured guest speaker. Participants will have several opportunities to interact with him. GCI president, Joseph Tkach, will also be a featured speaker and I know he’s looking forward to sharing the conference with us.

As you look over the Converge schedule, you’ll find many breakout sessions (called “Conversessions”) with a variety of relevant topics for both camps and congregations. The idea behind Conversessions is to have plenty of dialogue while being led by a facilitator. As the event draws near, we’ll send those who have registered descriptions of each Conversession, so you can decide which to attend.

A heartfelt thanks to all of you taking time off from work or school to join us for this Generations Ministries sponsored event. I can feel momentum building toward our gathering and there will be many epic stories to tell as we celebrate The Epic Story, our inclusion and adoption into the very life of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!