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Cara Garrity

In August, a new cohort entered the GCI Intern Program (click here for details). We’re running a series here in “Up Close & Personal” to introduce you to some of these newest interns. This week we want you to meet Cara Garrity who is interning in Waltham, Massachusetts.

CaraCara graduated from Tufts University in 2014 where she studied music and biopsychology. During her years at Tufts, she committed her life to God. Through her Christian fellowship there, God gave her a heart for his kingdom. Over the summers, she worked at a Christian camp for girls where her passion for ministry was confirmed.

After graduation from Tufts, Cara accepted a year-round position at the girls’ camp, putting on hold her plans to pursue a Master’s degree in music therapy. In the months following her decision, Cara became increasingly involved in her GCI home congregation, Grace Christian Church (GCC) in Waltham, Massacusetts. Sensing God leading her to serve her church in some way, she accepted the opportunity to participate in the GCI Intern Program.

Cara is now a pastoral intern at GCC, being mentored by the congregation’s lead pastor, Dishon Mills. She is helping the congregation develop a young adults’ community, where through fellowship, discipleship and service, young adults are helped to experience the kingdom of God and grow into their identity in Christ. Her vision is for a vibrant community of young adults who encourage and challenge each other in their walk with Jesus, contribute their gifts to GCC, seek to proclaim the gospel in all they do, and sacrificially serve the communities in which they live. Cara and Dishon believe this community will be a place of encounter and participation with and in Jesus Christ that the upcoming generation of postmodern young adults yearn for.

Alongside her work at GCC, Cara is working in campus ministry with the New Humanity Institute at Tufts University and Boston College. In these ways, she is growing in love and in an ability to develop leaders, preach, guide Scripture study, and support and encourage young adults.

2 thoughts on “Cara Garrity”

  1. Cara,
    Harriet and I wish you the very best in your Christian journey. It is wonderful to see your growth in Christ.
    Grace and Peace,

  2. This is awesome. Thanks Cara for following the Spirit’s lead. I am really excited about the GCI Intern Program! ! Thanks for participating. Blessings to you.

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