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Gary Dry

We received the following prayer request from GCI-USA elder Gary Dry.

After a lot of poking and prodding, including an echo-cardiogram, my cardiologist found I have a congenital heart murmur. That led to a cardiac cauterization showing I have a 100% blocked artery in my heart and a dysfunctional aortic valve. Next stop is a cardio-thoracic surgeon for open-heart surgery to replace the valve, and perhaps bypass surgery to deal with the blocked artery. I should know more after an upcoming visit to the doctor.

I would appreciate your prayers, knowing that, as always, I’m in the best of care from the doctor known as Jesus. So, as my Aussie friends say, “No worries mates!”

Cards may be sent to:

Gary Dry
PO Box 174
New Melle, MO 63365-0174

3 thoughts on “Gary Dry”

  1. Indeed, dear friend Gary… “no worries, mate!” Praying for your complete healing and for Diane and family. With love and blessings, Ross and Tammy

  2. Dear Gary,
    Our prayers are with you with these physical matters of your heart’s function. God Bless you with good results!
    David & Linda Husmann

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