Here is an update concerning the earlier prayer request for Joanna D’Costa, wife of GCI Pastor Joseph D’Costa.

After being given a clean bill of health following her recent stroke, Joanna stayed in the hospital to undergo physiotherapy for knee and ankle problems. This helped a lot and she was discharged on September 23. In order for Joanna to rest, the couple has moved to the home of their daughter in Bangalore where they will stay for several weeks.
Joseph reports that Joanna is recovering well—gaining strength and getting exercise. She will have a final check-up next month and it is expected that she and Joseph will be able to attend the south Indian festival at the end of October.
Joseph sent this message: “Please pass on my deepest thanks to GCI members all over the world for their prayers, love and encouragement. May God bless them abundantly.”
Cards may be sent to:
Joanna D’Costa
Post Bag Nol 3786
Bangalore 560 037