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Robert Browne II

Prayer is requested for GCI-Liberia National Director Robert Browne II. He was admitted to JFK Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia, where he was found to be developing heart failure. His body blood volume had fallen to a dangerously low level, and he required five pints of blood.

3 thoughts on “Robert Browne II”

  1. Psa. 46:1 The LORD is our refuge and our strength, and ever present help in need. We pray for GOD to show HIMSELF merciful unto Mr. Browne and family.

  2. Psalms 34:19 – Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.

    Our prayers are with you.

    In Him.
    Santiago and Elke

  3. Just to let you know we do hope and pray that you will see and feel improvement with the arrival of each new day.
    In Christ
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

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