GCI Update
Connecting Members & Friends of GCI
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2017 GCI Denominational Conference

We invite you to join us for the 2017 GCI Denominational Conference in Orlando, Florida, on August 2-6, 2017. The conference is open to all GCI members and their families and friends—all are welcome, and we urge pastors, elders, treasurers, and ministry leaders to participate in this triennial conference that gathers GCI leaders and members from around the world.

With the theme, We are GCI, the conference will be held at beautiful Lake Buena Vista Hilton hotel in Orlando (pictured above—it’s next door to Disney World). The conference schedule will include plenary sessions and workshops, with blocks of free time to socialize (including sharing dinner on or off-site in small groups—there will be no conference group dinners).

Note to lead pastors, fellowship group facilitators, pastoral team coordinators, pastoral residents and interns: Please plan to arrive at the conference in time for a special meeting of pastoral leaders that will begin at 1:00 PM on August 1.

Note to families: This conference will be particularly family-friendly, with special tracks for children and teens (allowing parents to attend all conference sessions while others care for their children).

Registration is now open! To register, click here (login required).

Here is a chart with conference costs (and if your congregation has extra funds and can help others attend, we encourage you to do so):