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Keysha Taylor

We are rejoicing in a praise report from Keysha Taylor, wife of Charles Taylor, lead pastor of one of GCI’s congregations in the Miami, FL area (click here for the earlier prayer request for Keysha). Here is what Keysha wrote earlier this week:

This morning I went to the hospital to have a biopsy performed on a spot in my neck/throat area found during a recent PET scan. The doctors and nurses looked for the spot, but then cancelled the procedure—there was nothing there to biopsy! Glory to God! Thank you for your prayers and support. I love you all dearly.

7 thoughts on “Keysha Taylor”

  1. Praise to our awesome and loving God… rejoicing right along side you, dear sister Keysha and dear brother Charles! With love and blessings, Ross and Tammy

  2. These are wonderful news! Our loving God is kind and gracious. Keysha, we rejoice with you and with Charles and with the rest of the family.

    God for us, in us and through us.

    Santiago and Elke

  3. Keysha,
    So happy God chose to do a wonder for you and us.
    He is mighty in every “struggle.”
    In praise of him,
    Franklin & Cora

  4. Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow. So thankful and rejoice with you with this mighty work of the LORD. Love and best wishes.

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