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Granddaughter born

Longtime GCI-UK employee Phil Halford (now retired) the brother of deceased GCI Editor and Regional Director John Halford, is thrilled to announce the birth of his granddaughter, Caitlyn Linda (pictured below). She was born on January 31, weighing 9 lbs. 4 oz. The mother, father and grandparents are all doing well and Caitlyn is healthy and noisy (the noisy part being, apparently, a good sign!).

2 thoughts on “Granddaughter born”

  1. Well, well. Our congratulations and well wishes to Caitlyn and family. We are working on grandchild number 5. It won’t be long now.

    Cheers and smiles,
    Santiago and Elke

  2. Greetings Phil and family from Northern California. We are delighted to hear that the “Halford” family is growing and we send our congratulations and love to you all. Enjoy the little one while you can as they grow up very quickly! We now have three grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren and we try to stay a half step ahead of them IF we can??!! They are all special treasures. We will always treasure the association we had with you and your family members. Take care and our best wishes to you ….. Barry and Wendy

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