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Owen Willis

Prayer is requested for Owen Willis, GCI pastor in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Owen had a freak eye accident recently, requiring emergency surgery. The doctor says he will do everything he can to save Owen’s eye. They are in a waiting period now to see how the eye responds. Cards may be sent to:

Owen and Tina Willis
5845 St. Margarets Bay Rd.
Head of St. Margarets Bay, NS B3Z 2E3

10 thoughts on “Owen Willis”

  1. Dear Owen and Tina,

    We will be praying for healing.

    In Him,
    Santiago and Elke

  2. We always remember you here in Malawi. You are so dear to us. We wish you well in your trying time. May the gracious Lord show you his abundant grace. William & Chrissy Mankhomwa

  3. We’ll be remembering you too, Owen and Tina, and will mention your plight to our church congregation.
    Dennis & Brenda Gordon, Wellington

  4. Owen
    Though miles separate us we are close in prayer.
    Hope operation goes well.
    love to you and Tina
    Stuart & Marlene Foster, Lisburn, N.Ireland

  5. We are praying for your complete healing Owen.
    God be with you,
    David and Margaret.

  6. Wishing you God’s healing as you await to undergo the surgery. God is with you and my prayers are with you and your family.

  7. Owen – so sorry to hear of your eye incident. Best wishes and prayers for your recovery and wellness.

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