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Home Office relaunch

Here, from GCI President Joseph Tkach and GCI Vice President Greg Williams, is a Speaking of Life video that introduces GCI’s new Home Office in Charlotte, NC, and the staff members who work there serving GCI pastors and congregations around the world.

On YouTube at https://youtu.be/pKbE580m44s.

5 thoughts on “Home Office relaunch”

  1. Thanks for this–very timely, very helpful–yeah, lots of windows the way to go–nice to see some familiar faces (and new ones) back in action–Neil and Susan Earle

  2. Very nice! May the Lord place His blessing on our new Home Office and fill everyone working there with joy and a deep sense of purpose as together we serve Jesus, His church, and the world.

    God for us, with us, and through us.


  3. Loved watching this video presentation of the new home office in Charlotte, North Carolina. There’s a brief glimpse of the white swan sculpture that used to be on the Bricket Wood campus in England. This has special memories as it was by this sculpture that I asked my wife Alix to marry me when we were students in the early 70’s. Glad to see it’s still with us and making memories years later!

    God’s very best and blessings as you move into the future in your new location.

    Don & Alix

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