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October Equipper

Here are links to the articles in the October issue of GCI Equipper:

From Greg: Adjust Your Posture
Greg Williams urges church leaders to embrace a vital aspect of Healthy Church—having a posture that is open to receiving new, younger leaders.

Healthy Church: R.E.A.L. Teams (part 2)
This infographic continues our series looking at team-based ministry.

Worldview Conversion: Addressing Idolatry
Charles Fleming addresses a key aspect of a Christ-centered worldview.

Worldview Conversion: The Power of Liturgy
Ted Johnston explores the role of liturgy in whole-life discipleship.

What About Liturgy?
Santiago Lange looks at the value of liturgy for the church.

Revised Common Lectionary (Year C)
Here are the readings for the new worship year that begins with Advent.

Prayer Guide: October 2018
Here are GCI-related topics to pray about each day during October.

Kid’s Korner: Teaching Kids About the Christian Year
Ted Johnston gives tips on helping kids understand the Christian year.

RCL Sermons
Here are sermons for November that sync with the Scripture readings set out in the Revised Common Lectionary:
November 4, 2018
November 11, 2018
November 18, 2018
November 25, 2018

In case you missed them last month, here are the sermons for October:
October 7, 2018
October 14, 2018
October 21, 2018
October 28, 2018