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Passing the GCI presidency baton

An important event in GCI history will occur in a worship service to be held on October 14 in Charlotte, NC. In this setting of worship, we’ll be celebrating Dr. Joseph Tkach’s many years of service to our denomination, and the installation of Dr. Greg Williams as GCI’s new President (Dr. Tkach will continue as GCI Board Chairman). In the video below, Greg interviews Joseph concerning his tenure as GCI President and the preparations that have led to the passing of the GCI presidency baton to Greg. That weekend, we’ll also celebrate the retirement of a few other GCI leaders—we’ll include pictures and additional details in a special issue of GCI Update published on October 24. Thanks for your prayers concerning this event, including safe, trouble-free travel for those attending, some from overseas.

On YouTube at https://youtu.be/duxak38hoyU, and available for download at www.gci.org/media/videos/a-presidential-interview/).

14 thoughts on “Passing the GCI presidency baton”

  1. I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to you Joe for your leadership of GCI. I agree wholeheartedly with Greg’s title for you as an Ambassador of Grace. Blessings to you and Tammy as you move on to what God has for you to do next.

  2. Dear Joe and Greg,

    I just got through watching the video. Felt pretty much like a laid back fireplace chat. Good to see you both so relaxed.

    Would have loved to have been able to join you all at the grand October 14th celebration. Be assured that the day has been marked on my calendar and that my prayers and warmest thoughts will be with you during that historic event. I pray that we will also at one point, God allowing, get together to “catch up” and to raise a glass of a fine red in celebration.

    May the Lord of grace continue to bless every step you take now and forever.

    With love,

  3. My wife Linda and myself along with two Fellowships here in the Midwest want to extend our deep appreciation for all that you have done for our Churches, not only in the United States but also for our brethren worldwide! In some ways I know there will be many of us who will miss your constant presence with us through the office you have held but we are elated that you will continue to be with us in continued service in just a different way. God Bless you and your family in this transition and we will be praying for you as your labors for Jesus change somewhat! Sincerely, in Christian Love, David and Linda Husmann.

  4. Dr. Tkach, on behalf of the Big Sandy congregation, Helen and I would like to let you know how much we have appreciated your humble heart and servant leadership. God bless you and Tammy in this new phase of your lives! We love you both!

  5. Like so many, Tammy and I are very sorry to not be able to attend the “Passing of the Baton” in Charlotte this weekend. It has been our honor and pleasure to know Joe and “his” Tammy, and Susan and Greg, for over 40 years, and to work side by side for many of those. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for Joe and Tammy’s wonderful, humble and historic contributions to the Body of Christ, and we celebrate in spirit with you all, their outstanding service to Grace Communion, and we congratulate Greg and Susan as they so capably receive the baton… we send our prayers and love and blessings to everyone… Ross and Tammy Jutsum

  6. Joe,
    Thank you so much for your leadership over the years. God’s Blessings to you both.
    Bill & Harriet

  7. Thank you Joe and Greg! I was enlightened but not surprised by the details you share for “passing the GCI presidency baton.” Your sharing the inside story for this transition in our denomination testifies to God’s consideration and concern for others. It feels good to be included. Nancy and I are grateful for you two, Tammy and Susan.

  8. Barbara and I greatly appreciate our many years of friendship with Joe and Tammy. Their example of grace-filled love and devotion to our GCI family has been a personal inspiration to us. God’s richest blessings be with you in this new chapter of your lives together along with our most fervent prayers for Greg and Susan in this awesome and sobering opportunity before them.

  9. So good to witness this exciting time. As a song goes “God is working; he’s still working, even now.” Our thanks to God for Joe and Tammy and Greg and Susan and those everywhere who love to respond to him.
    Franklin and Cora

  10. This was a very nice interview and such a good example of servant leadership. I often tell people we (GCI) have the most humble and Godly leadership. I appreciate both Pastor Greg and Pastor Joseph, I have been blessed to spend time with both of these men and they are what you see. Pastor Joe, thank you very much for your leadership and Pastor Greg I am so happy you said “yes” to the Godhead for his invitation of leadership.

  11. Dear Mr.Tkach . Mr. Williams thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and through you . The love is powerful . God bless and keep you . Our heart’s are filled with love for you .
    Carlton ,Judy

  12. Dear Joe,

    Brigida and I and the members we serve in Spain want for you and Tammy to know how much we appreciate the many years of loving and humble and dedicate leadership you have given to GCI. We pray God’s bountiful blessings be with you in your new serving responsibility as GCI chairman of the Board and in your personal endeavours and thank our Triune God for having guided you to provide for this smooth and wisely and prudently lead transition in our fellowship.

    We pray God will grant a tender and loving heart full of compassion and trust in our Lord and wisdom to Greg and Susan for them to continue on with the mission Jesus has given us as a church, to reach out to those who still do not know who they are in Him. Our prayers and support are with you Greg and Susan as have been with Joe and Tammy as we labour and serve God’s people together.

    Love and blessings… Pedro and Brigida

  13. Thank you for this interview. On behalf of the members in Southern Africa, I wish to express our gratitude to Joe and Tammy for the service you have given to GCI. We will cherish the memories of the times we spent with you when you visited South Africa, which you did a few times. We are glad to witness this transition, which also allowed us to meet Greg in the last two years. Congratulations to Greg as he takes the baton! May Father, Son and Spirit pour their grace over you abundantly to serve his people diligently. We pray for a blessed ceremony on the 14th!

  14. Thank you so much for this video on the passing of the baton and setting a great example of love in the leadership.
    The peace and love in you gentleman was so evident and strong in the video it brought peace and harmony to me and I pray for a blessed ceremony on the 14th of October and we keep rolling on!

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