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Passing of the Baton: videos

The two videos embedded below show segments of the Passing of the Baton worship service held in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Sunday, October 14, 2018. For a third video that addresses the lead-up to this historic change in GCI’s presidency, click here.

Joseph Tkach’s Legacy

In this video, several GCI leaders recount key contributions made by Joseph Tkach during his tenure as GCI President:

To watch on YouTube, click here. To download a copy at GCI.org click here.

Presidency Hand Off

This video includes addresses from Joseph Tkach and Greg Williams, the baton-passing ceremony (at position 24:00) and the Communion service:

To watch on YouTube, click here. To download a copy at GCI.org, click here.

4 thoughts on “Passing of the Baton: videos”

  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful event with us via video. And congratulations to the Tkach and Williams families.


    Doug & Betty Johannsen

  2. Dear Greg and Joe,

    Thanks so much for allowing us to participate in this momentous and touching event in our fellowship through both words and pictures. I would have loved to have been able to be there personally.

    My WCG/GCI journey goes back about 40 years. I am very thankful for the many unforgettable wonderful memories. Over the years there have been many changes and we have kept growing in understanding and in our appreciation for the great Triune God we worship.

    Our deepest appreciation goes to Dr. Tkach, my brother in the faith, for the courage to follow the lead of the Spirit. I also would like to acknowledge the contributions that others have made behind the scenes to help move us forward in the Lord.

    Our heartfelt prayers are with our new President, Dr. Greg Williams. These are challenging but also very exciting times. I have full confidence that Dr. Williams will continue to build up the foundation laid by Dr. Tkach.

    I am so proud to be part of this fellowship and look forward to supporting Dr. Williams in the tasks ahead.

    On behalf of the German church we ask God’s richest blessings upon Dr. Williams, his wife Susan, and upon Dr. Tkach and his wife Tammy as they focus on their new service.

    Together we are stronger!

    In Him,

    Santiago Lange
    National Director
    GCI Germany

  3. Congratulations to the Tkach’s and Williams’s! Like many others, I wished I could have been there for such an historic and exciting occasion, but we were there with you all in spirit!

    Thanks for sharing this historic event with the articles and videos!

    May our Triune God of grace and communion continue to bless Greg and all of us in our international community as we continue to receive his love and guidance in our denomination’s as Christ’s partners in the particular part of his mission he continues to include us in.

    Phil Hopwood
    GCI Tasmania, Australia

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