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A message for Boomers

As the Boomer generation reaches the age of retirement, they are challenged to focus on mentoring the younger generations for leadership within the church. For ideas about how to do that, click here to read a helpful Christianity Today article written by Karl Vaters.

2 thoughts on “A message for Boomers”

  1. And so every part in the Body of Christ has a valuable function, including „Boomers“ 🙂

  2. I was taught years ago that one of my responsibilities is to train up my replacement. Sadly, our challenge locally is a lack of “younger generation” folks to mentor–at least inside the 4 walls of the church. So, we need to work with what we’ve been given. For some of us that means our children and grandchildren. In any case, God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called…

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