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GCI Mexico conference

The following report is from Heber Ticas, Superintendent for Latin America and National Coordinator for Church Multiplication.

In mid-November, 123 GCI members from Mexico gathered for our annual national conference. We met at Hotel Villa Primavera on the outskirts of Guadalajara, Mexico. The conference theme was Somos Communion De Gracia (We are GCI). Our goal was to reboot our ministry in Mexico, embracing a posture of unity, moving forward together as one family.

This year’s conference departed a bit from the equipping-training format of previous conferences. We provided a retreat-style gathering with ample time for fellowship, learning and worship.

Also this year, instead of holding a separate camp for our youth in Mexico, the conference included a track for the youth. Doing so created a family camp atmosphere. All the participants were overjoyed with the opportunity to grow together as one multi-generational body.

This year we were blessed to have GCI President Greg Williams and his wife Susan with us. Greg spoke about moving forward as a healthy church and Susan, along with my wife Xochilt Ticas and Selena Soto, addressed gatherings for women. In my address to the conference, I spoke about being a healthy body by embracing our true identity in Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to heal our hearts. Pastor Natanael Cruz then addressed sessions for the youth.

(L to R): Susan Williams, Xochilt Ticas, Heber Ticas, Greg Williams, Selena Soto

As shown in the picture above, during the conference I was commissioned by Greg Williams as GCI’s Superintendent for Latin America. Greg gave me my charge in the presence of representatives from congregations I’ll be serving. Following my commissioning, I presented Pastor Luis Soto as the new National Coordinator for GCI Mexico.

Overall, it was an amazing weekend where the Lord united all those present in one mind, by one Spirit. Our Mexican churches are ready to move forward as one body toward the fulfillment of our shared vision for healthy church.

One thought on “GCI Mexico conference”

  1. Congratulations Heber!

    May the Lord guide your steps as you move forward in your new service opportunities as the GCI Superintendent for Latin America.

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