GCI Update
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Disaster in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi

This update is from Takalani Musekwa, GCI’s Regional Director for southern Africa. He requests prayer for those who have been affected by the devastation of Cyclone Idai.

The devastation has been very bad for Mozambique, followed by Zimbabwe and Malawi. Due to the destruction of communication infrastructure, we still don’t have reports from the areas where our churches are. We know that the provinces affected are where our churches are, but even the government is only doing assessments through international agencies which are able to fly in and assess the damage. They are conservatively estimating the death toll at 1,000.

Our National Ministry Leader in Mozambique is not able to reach most pastors. He was able to get in touch with the pastor in Chimoio, where two houses of members plus the church building have collapsed. There are no known fatalities as yet for church members. The areas most affected have no communication connection at the moment.

From public reports, the disaster for Mozambique is huge from initial assessments.

We will provide better information when we have better updates.

5 thoughts on “Disaster in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi”

  1. Prayers for brethren affected and people in general. Perhaps we will learn how we might contribute financially to recovery there when needs are assessed..

  2. Our thoughts and prayers are with the many affected by this terrible calamity.

    With concern,
    Santiago and Elke

  3. Our continuing are with our sisters and brothers there in the areas affected by the cyclone, especially the hardest area Mozambique. Please let them know that they are in our prayers and we will await hearing their assistance needs.

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