With deep appreciation, we celebrate Paul David Kurts for his many years of service and love for the denomination and its members. In December, PD was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Air National Guard. This is an incredible honor and elevation in position, which will require a larger commitment of his time and energy. Consequently, PD is stepping down from his position as Regional Director in the US Southeast region. Paul David will continue to co-pastor our GCI congregation in Hickory, NC, along with his brother-in-law Anthony Mullins. Your prayers and support for PD and his wife Emma Lee, are greatly appreciated as they embark on this new adventure.

Paul David started working for the denomination in 1988 at Ambassador College in Big Sandy, TX in the Mail Receiving Department. He then spent time in the Landscape Department, as well as assisting the Dean of Students. Paul David is passionate about developing young people and has served in camp ministry in one capacity or another for more than two and a half decades. In 1996, Paul David was ordained an elder in GCI. He has since served in five congregations in four states. He also served as a District Pastor and most recently as a Regional Director, serving pastors and congregations in nine states.
Thank you Paul David and Emma Lee, for your leadership and love.
Major congrats PD! Excited for you in your new assignment! Will always remember with much fondness your time as regional director in the northeast and times we spent together in White Plains, NY along with planning for NE Regional Conference. All the best, Serge Volpe
Congratulations PD!
Congratulations and Thank You for All of Your Good Oversight in Christ all these years!
Congratulations Brother Paul!
That is good news Paul–no surprise since you’ve always been a gung-ho forward looking kinda guy–well done–NE
While I am PD’s father, just a couple of comments here. I only “quote” members who have shared their hearts with me over the past 25 years. A few quotes. “PD has a love for us we rarely have seen demonstrated to this degree in others.” ” PD has moved me to tears and understanding as no other has done, even his FATHER.” “PD, has visited us and been with us in tears and celebration and we love him as a true brother in Crist.” ” There is no one else like PD in this organization, we dearly love him and the clarity with which he speaks the GOSPEL.” PD is a work of the Spirit, and I, his Dad, take NO responsibility for his effectiveness in his and Christ’s ministry at all. God Bless all the churches he has worked with for 25 years.
Paul Kurts, Sr.
We pray for God’s guidance and for many blessings upon you as you continue to serve God, church and country.
Congratulations PD on the promotion. Thanks for all your service to GCI, the members, and pastors over the years and your friendship.
Congratulations on the promotion! God bless you in your service to our country and as you pastor in Hickory! Jonathan and Susie Martinez
A great young man we have known since he was little, along with his Dan, Mom, and the rest of his family! Congratulations PD!