In the Netherlands, we celebrated two blessings of the children. On April 28 we performed the blessing for Selah Vrijmoeth, the daughter of Jester and Jeanine Vrijmoeth from The Hoeksteen congregation and on May 26 we had the blessing of Ezra den Hartog, son of Matthias and Yvonne den Hartog from The Hoeksteen congregation as well. Ezra is the first grandchild of Hans and Denise de Moei, pastor couple of The Hoeksteen.
Proud parents and beaming grandparents – congratulations to the family! Proverbs 17:6 Children’s children are a crown to the aged,
and parents are the pride of their children.
May the Lord protect and guide the „little ones“ and as they grow may they become strong Christians that will bless and enrich the lives of those whom they will come in contact with.
Santiago and Elke