Cara Garrity has recently been appointed as the Associate National Coordinator of the GCI Pastoral Resident & Intern programs. Cara is working closely with Anthony Mullins, who is the National Coordinator, in seeking high-caliber recruits, mentoring the existing participants and reshaping the programs for even greater fruitfulness in the future. We are excited to see what the Lord does with Cara and these programs as they move forward!
Cara is ideally suited for the position as she has completed both the internship and pastoral residency. By spending the past four years of her life being successfully guided by these programs with wrap-around support, she has the unique perspective of having lived the life of an emerging GCI leader. She has firsthand knowledge of the strengths and challenges of the programs. We have high hopes as she mentors and guides the next generation of GCI leaders.
Getting to know Cara in her own words:
“God led me into ministry, it was not something that I would have chosen on my own. As I got to know God more and more, I found myself wanting to be more and more involved in various aspects of ministry. Eventually he used those around me to speak into my life and slowly lead me into vocational ministry work. I became a participant in GCI through a friend of mine. I had been desiring a church community that felt more like family. That first Sunday I visited, Pastor Bill Ford gave me a welcome shout out- in the middle of the sermon! It was then that I knew that this church was family and that they could become my church family. I began my formal ministry service with GCI as an intern with Grace Christian Church in Waltham, Massachusetts and then as a pastoral resident. What steps did I take to find myself in this new role? It began with a reckless prayer that God would cause me to thrive without consideration that he would take me seriously, followed by a series of ‘yes’ to adventure with him.”
We are cheering you on in prayer, Cara!
We pray God’s richest blessings upon you as you take on this wonderful new service opportunity. May the Lord guide your steps and provide for your every need as you become a blessing to those whose lives you touch.
In Him,
Santiago and Elke