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Grace Communion Ladson Women’s Conference

Grace Communion Ladson celebrated their 4th Annual Women’s Conference on April 26-28, 2019. Our theme was “An Intimate Relationship with Christ.”

It was three Spirit-filled days of building a more intimate relationship with Christ and bonding with our sisters. The speakers were amazing, the music was awe-inspiring and the fellowship was incredible. We had ladies travel from NC, SC, GA and FL. Approximately 40 women attended over the course of the conference.

Friday evening began with a reception followed by praise and worship. Saturday followed with praise and worship, inspiring speakers, worship stations, prayer and ending the day with communion. The ladies were then able to visit nearby Historic Charleston, SC in the afternoon. The conference ended on Sunday with the women leading the Grace Communion Ladson worship service.

The Holy Spirit was leading this event in every aspect. He set the hearts of the attendees on fire. Everyone left blessed and looking forward to the next conference to take place April 24-26, 2020.

Rose Hamrick, Grace Communion Ladson


One thought on “Grace Communion Ladson Women’s Conference”

  1. This was a wonderful blessed occasion bringing together women from our Southeast region celebrating the love of God in communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Truly a joyous celebration!

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