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Devotional: Holding Patterns

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:1-2

Have you ever been at the end of flight, airport in sight, and then instead of descending to land, the plane begins to fly in circles? The repetition of a flight path is called a “holding pattern”. When we are not present and intentional in our daily lives, we can fall into holding patterns of our own. Small and seemingly insignificant habits can seem harmless, but over time our habits form our life. For example, trading out 30 minutes of TV time each day for a walk can drastically improve our health. This same principle applies to our spiritual life.

It is easy for the values and lifestyle of the world around us to shape us; shifting the focus of our identity from a beloved child who belongs to God, to comparing ourselves to the people around us and where we fall in the hierarchy of society. The transformation starts not with our behavior but by presenting ourselves before our merciful Father. As we experience being held by our gracious God, holding patterns are broken and we are transformed. He renews our minds and reveals the way forward. Take some time in worship today, presenting yourself before the Lord in worship. May he renew your mind and show you his perfect will for the patterns in your life.

Gracious God, thank you for loving me into who you made me to be.
Reveal the patterns in my life that are shaping me to reflect the world instead of you.
Transform me by renewing my mind by your Spirit. In my mind and life, may you be glorified.


By Michelle Fleming

4 thoughts on “Devotional: Holding Patterns”

  1. Michelle,

    What a wonderful article! And your profile pic is very attractive. And the photo you chose for the article is stunning.

    I especially like the prayer you wrote. Particularly this part: “Thank You for loving me into who You made me to be.”


  2. Thank you Michelle for the focus off of our daily lives that are on a holding pattern, Rm8:19, and focus on following Jesus Christ, who is our New Life, the true flight plan and destination, that He has set us on Eternally, who now labors in us not in vain, making us what we are in Him! 1 Cor 15:10

  3. Thank you I needed this and God in His perfect timing provided. God bless you all.

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