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Lament for the Asian-American Community


GCI mourns the eight lives senselessly lost at Atlanta-area spas, including six women of Asian descent. The attacks took place against a backdrop of increased violence against Asian Americans and intensifies fear and trauma for many in the Asian-American community.

GCI denounces violence and hate in all forms against any person or persons made in the image of God. To raise your awareness, over the past year, nearly 3,800 incidents of name-calling, shunning and assault against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have been reported to Stop AAPI Hate. Some of the incidents include being spat at, coughed on or physically attacked while being verbally blamed for the coronavirus.

Christians are ambassadors of grace and reconciliation. We have a unique and compelling call to provide leadership for the benefit and dignity of all (2 Corinthians 5:16–20). The Bible uniformly teaches the essential dignity of all humans and the shared desire to belong in community. GCI understands that the heart of Jesus is for the “other” and the marginalized.

As Christians, we seek to stand with the marginalized. We encourage our members to grieve for the families and friends of the victims, then to seek understanding of the historical and contemporary facets of racism in our country, to willingly enter into hard conversations, and to humbly listen to the hurt while empathizing with the pain of others. All in the hope of the healing that can only come from Jesus.

Greg Williams


3 thoughts on “Lament for the Asian-American Community”

  1. Thank you, Greg! My heart aches for the Asian and Islander Community. I will be praying for healing…

  2. The message of Jesus Christ is the only Hope of Peace for all humanity! God has brought together in One all people thru Him and draws us to Him by His Spirit now as He Wills, in advance of His 2nd coming when all will know their Lord and Savior!

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