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Interview with NAE President, Walter Kim

GCI President, Greg Williams talks with the President of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), Walter Kim. They discuss Walter’s role, his experience in the NAE, and GCI’s relationship with the organization.

Dr. Walter Kim, President of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), visited our Home Office in Charlotte on February 10th. Susan and I have known Walter and his wife, Toni, for the past few years and have grown to respect him as a profound Christian thinker. We also have enjoyed them as fellow Christian leaders who need strong ecumenical friendships.

Walter was installed as NAE President in February 2020, just one month before the Covid 19 pandemic reared its head. Walter and his team worked very effectively through the zoom platform to keep NAE members informed about important topics like dealing with the challenges of the pandemic and joining us to the deep discussions related to Black Lives Matter. We had guest zoom meetings with respected leaders such as Dr. Tony Evans, Author Jemar Tisby and Attorney Justin Giboney.

The NAE has been a huge resource for me personally so from time to time you will see us point you toward some of the good materials they produce.

I held high expectations for Walter’s visit to GCI, partly because I have received skepticism and direct criticism about our (GCI) involvement with the NAE. The NAE, like all human organizations has some skeletons in its closet. Walter does not deflect the checkered past, but instead he takes ownership. In my opinion, he does a wonderful job of displaying what the NAE is today. But please don’t take my word, rather watch the interview with Walter in the above video. In a few more weeks, we will release the presentation that he made to our Superintendents, US Regional Directors, Home Office staff, and pastors who were in town for an orientation session.

I pray that these videos will be a blessing to you and to our GCI church family.
Greg Williams

2 thoughts on “Interview with NAE President, Walter Kim”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this video. it gave me a better perspective on the National Association of Evangelicals. However, I have often wondered what is the philosophical differences between the NAE and the National Council of Churches. It would appear on he surface that the NCC is more concerned with social and economic justice but I’m not certain. Any help with this?

    1. Thank you for your comment and feedback! It was our hope that the video would provide insight into the NAE. Because we are not members of the NCC, it would be difficult to characterize the similarities and differences of the group. Be sure and look for Mr. Kim’s additional video that will be released next month. You may find it informative to hear what he says about injustice and systemic sin.

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