The Zambian church is excited and humbled to have raised an African Champion! Muzala Samukonga won a gold medal in the 400 metre event at the 2022 African Championships in Mauritius in June. He also won a gold medal at the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games, finishing in 44.66 seconds in the 400 metre race.
Muzala, age 19, is the first born in a family of six boys and one girl. Together with his mother and siblings, he congregates at GCI Central church in Lusaka. We are very proud of the young man as GCI family and thank God for being with him. Let’s remember him in our prayers, asking for him to stay focused on God as he is an example to the youths in our congregation and indeed all of Africa.
An exciting milestone has been accomplished in Ghana with the launch of a Ministry Training Centre (MTC). A ribbon cutting ceremony was performed to the cheers of more than 500 members who witnessed the significant moment. Joined by Emmanuel Okai, Regional Director of West Africa, and Theo Okai, Ghana National Pastor, Superintendent Kalengule Kaoma cut the ribbon to usher in this important phase of leadership training and empowerment in Africa. “The Accra Ghana MTC was inaugurated during the Sunday service on August 28, 2022, at our Kutunse Convention Auditorium with the clear presence of the Holy Spirit,” Emmanuel Okai said of the event.
I am writing this update because The Ambassador College of Christian Ministry (ACCM) is delighted to partner with this important program. Classes have already begun with the Jesus and the Gospels course, which I am teaching with Kalengule. He reflected on that first day, “We were blessed with John Mclean’s Zoom presence in class, and we had a good time. The MTC meetings went very well. I’m grateful to God, the organisers, and sponsors for making possible this grand step in GCI Ghana.”
Theo Okai (far left) and Kalengule Kaoma (far right) with MTC students from Togo and Benin.
The first short steps in the proverbial “journey of a thousand miles” have been taken in both programmes. Or as Emmanuel Okai put it, “Like the Biblical mustard seed, ACCM classes started for leaders in the West Africa region in August 2022.” Our confidence for success is based on our resolve to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit as Christ directs our region to become the best possible expressions of healthy churches and healthy members led by healthy leaders.
We appreciate your prayers for the successful development of the MTC and ACCM’s ongoing contribution. Together, we celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit and the “I” in GCI.
The Australasian Conference and Celebration Weekend was held on 18-22 August at the picturesque site of Caloundra, on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland. With the theme of Compelled by Love, we fellowshipped in the presence of a very joyful and loving spirit as we were able to meet together again with our brothers and sisters from all around our region after a long and isolating stretch with COVID.
On Sunday, with an estimated 230 members attending in-person and 70 Zoom connections, more than 300 members participated in the service. We heard an inspiring message from our president, Greg Williams, entitled, “Jesus our True Foundation.”The Communion was given by his wife, Susan Williams. We were delighted and thankful for the presence of Greg and Susan. Members very much appreciated their messages and the opportunity to spend time in fellowship with them. We were also delighted to have the GCI Goodna, Queensland choir present their lively special music.
Pastors and leaders shared experiences and aspects of the Faith, Hope, and Love Avenues that are being implemented in their various areas. RD Dennis Richards presented on the trinitarian foundations of the Team-based, Pastor-led model, and Coach Martin Bailey led a Zoom presentation on the four E’s [Encourage, Engage, Equip, Empower.] All the presentations were informative and encouraging.
Activities included a fun family night with dancing and games and a dinner for Gen XYZ leaders. Twenty-four young people gathered to have lunch on the beach and an exciting game of Archery Zone. After the restrictions of COVID, it was lovely to see young people from all around the country gather once again and have some fun!
Everyone appreciated the global update from Greg. He warmly described the faithfulness of our leaders and members, in their various life circumstances, in the countries he has visited this year. It was a great reiteration of the connectedness we have with our brothers and sisters internationally, and an affirmation of the central role the Home Office plays in strengthening our ties and bringing us together as a global team. The presentations and prayers over the five days were an inspiration to all and a great motivation to keep moving forward with Living and Sharing the Gospel, being Spirit-led with Jesus as our True Foundation.
P.S. Greg and Susan departed our shores to visit the church in Fiji. Stay tuned for this update in a future issue!
Greg & Susan Williams, with Australasia Superintendent Daphne Sydney
Susan and I had the wonderful opportunity to join Australasia Superintendent Daphne Sidney and 90 or so pastors and ministry workers for a “Compelled by Love” conference. We met on Thursday and Friday with the leadership and began with training sessions in “Appreciative Inquiry,” conducted by Ambassador College of Christian Ministry (ACCM) Director John McLean. This grace-based process of how we set our minds and attitudes to think on what things are noble and good is incredibly helpful for ministry teams who are seeking to determine what is good to the Holy Spirit and to us.
John’s training set the tone for National Team members Dennis Richards and Peter Edalere to speak about the model of Team-Based Pastor-Led. This gave a great overview for how we see pastors building their teams and provided oversight as we dug into the need to have “Ministry Action Plans” (MAPs). These MAPs help teams set attainable goals that help them move toward our vision of Healthy Church and make progress toward their Three-Year Plan.
This is the first gathering Daphne has been able to host since the onslaught of COVID. The ability to meet face-to-face, to hug necks, to sing worship songs in corporate worship, to share meals, and to simply be together was met with deep enthusiasm and appreciation.
More members were able to join the celebration over the weekend, and I was able to give them a pictorial update of the GCI family around the world. Sharing faces of brothers and sisters from Africa, Canada, the US, and the UK warmed their hearts immensely. The training continued as several pastors and avenue champions shared concepts about the Love, Hope and Faith Avenues of ministry. A highlight to me was seeing that the presenters are moving beyond concepts and are growing as practitioners. They are organizing their teams, developing plans, and trying new approaches to the various ministries of the church. Dare I say that they are discovering how to better join Jesus in what he is doing in and through our expression of the local church.
During the Saturday sessions, newly ordained Pastor Helen Callaghan gave a wonderful summary of Michael Frost’s book, Surprising the World. She aptly pointed out how the instruction in the book is simple and straight-forward, and centers on how we as believers can engage the not-yet-believers through meaningful relationships. Helen pastors a small church in Sydney with mostly aging members, so she was quick to point out that age is not a factor keeping us from loving and knowing our neighbors.
As I travel the world and spend time with our GCI church family, I am refreshed and encouraged to see how the material that we are producing at the denominational level is being embraced and applied. These materials are meant to center us more and more into the relationship and ministry of Jesus, who is the center of the center. It does my heart good to see so many presenters who have grasped what we are teaching and where we are going as a worldwide denominational family. Our sole purpose is to ground ourselves in Jesus, and to build out from him as our true foundation. As we receive the faith, hope and love that originates in him, it channels through us as we reach out to a broken, hurting world.
It is a beautiful journey that we are on as a collective fellowship around the world. Read more from Daphne here. And by the way, your brothers and sisters from Australia say “G’day.”
Greg Williams
P.S. I am extremely pleased with the good work that John McLean, Registrar Nadia Worthing, and other faculty members are doing through ACCM to equip ministry workers around the world. Please see the details in this issue of Update.
“Not everyone receives love expressed to them in the same way. Our congregations and individual members work hard to learn how to best express that love to their neighbors in a way that is most meaningful to them. Some people might need help with food, others with clothing, while still others might need childcare. Some people simply need an ear to listen to them.”—Jen Gregory
Check out this month’s GCI profile to get to know Jen Gregory, Elder and GCI Board Member.
To read her full profile, click the link below. #WeAreGCI
The GCI congregation in Mooroolbark, Melbourne, Australia (the Mooroolbark Christian Fellowship) was finally able to host its annual neighbourhood tree planting day after two years of cancellations due to COVID-affected lockdowns. On a cool and blustery winter’s day in July, the 17th annual Tree Planting Day was held. With trowels and mattocks in hand, about 70 rugged-up-and-rugged tree planters got on their knees in the dirt to dig holes, plant seedlings and saplings, and gently protect almost 1000 trees in a reserve not too far from where the congregation had met for worship just an hour before. Twenty-five people from the GCI congregation were joined by another 40 or 50 people from the local neighbourhood.
For the event, which is planned to coincide with Planet Ark’s National Tree Day, the GCI congregation works in partnership with the local government, which selects the location and provides seedlings and wooden stakes. The main reason for the event is for the congregation to serve the local neighbourhood and invite and engage with residents who also have the same desire to do good and have a positive impact on the local surrounds. The congregation has developed several partnerships in the local community, and it was great to see those partnerships continue to bear fruit with many of them joining us, including the local Girl Guides chapter, the local Scouts and even our local member of Parliament. The congregation also provided hot drinks with jam and scones for the volunteers who put in the hard work after a couple of hours of planting trees.
There is something relaxing about working together outdoors with soil and gardening tools. There were some wonderful conversations had, and it was delightful seeing families planting and conversing together, helping each other out across the generations. Next time we plan to show our church presence even more by wearing a t-shirt with our church logo. Or perhaps, on such a wintery day, a church logo on a beanie would be better!
Grace Communion Cleveland held its second Love Avenue engagement event on Sunday, August 14. An advertisement in a Cleveland newspaper invited families to pick up school supplies for the upcoming school year and have a picnic lunch of hot dogs, chips, and drinks. In case of rain, it was decided to hold the event in the large interior common area of our meeting space.
Forty-four happy kids, accompanied by their parents, left with bags of supplies to start off the school year. Three $50 gasoline cards were raffled off to any adult who entered their name in the drawing. A member talked with some of the attendees who inserted their written prayer requests into the prayer wall inspired by the west wall in Jerusalem. The prayer requests were presented to God after the event and kept confidential. Most of the congregation was able to be there, filling the room with friendly smiling faces as they handed out supplies and served food to the guests. Set-up and clean-up went quickly with many hands to help with the tasks.
The following Saturday, we engaged with the community at the annual sidewalk chalk art festival sponsored by the organizing tenant of our building, Coventry Peace Campus. We were invited to participate alongside the professional artists with a designated 4’x6’ space. Five members of our congregation volunteered and attended a training session before the event so we could make our art stand out.
One of our members also came up with our design beforehand, based on our mission, “Growing in Faith, Living in Hope, and Serving in Love.” Many other smaller squares and rectangles were painted on the ground for members of the community to come and participate. Our five artists took turns on various parts of the design, which also gave us plenty of time to wander about and interact with the other members of the community.
By Pat Shiels Love Avenue Champion, Cleveland, Ohio
GC Big Sandy’s core team (Pastor Jerome and Helen Ellard, Rick and Lois Peterson, and George and Sarah Strub) gathered for a retreat at the rustic and comfortable “Whispering Pines” cabin in nearby Holly Lake Ranch, Texas, in July. The three members of the core team are our Avenue Champions: Rick – Love, George – Hope, and Sarah – Faith.
We are very busy people in our congregation and in our lives. As pastor, I desired for us all to get away to rest and get to know each other in a relaxed, natural setting. We shared making delicious meals, sitting outside and watching the deer walk through the yard, and resting in the love of God together.
We got to experience a Strub family tradition during one dinner by having dessert first! Food, games, laughter, and good conversation was the order of each day. One of many highlights was when each couple successfully circumnavigated Holly Lake on paddleboats. As Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, God is all about relationship, and this retreat helped us grow closer to him and to one another. I heartily recommend that all church leadership teams spend some rewarding, relaxing time together like this! You and your church will be blessed.
The month of October is Pastor Appreciation month. In addition to the way you plan to demonstrate your appreciation locally, help us honor our GCI pastors in Update. Use the form below to tell us why your pastor or pastoral team is wonderful. How have you been encouraged or invested in personally?
Next month, we’ll share your stories celebrating our pastors. Click the link below to fill out the form. Thank you!
When I asked one attendee of the Welcome Home Conference how she would describe the conference in one word, she replied, “Hope.” I could not agree more. Certainly, this conference came at a time when the message of hope is sorely needed in our country, both within and outside of GCI. We are still dealing with the aftereffects of the pandemic. All our churches and fellowship groups faced being online for several months and many have just started to have in-person services. As a country, we have faced divisions over the handling of the pandemic as well as the stress of dealing with our colonial past and our interactions with the original inhabitants of this land. Finally, as a denomination we are facing the reality of having an aging ministry and members. So, the presentations regarding the Hope Avenue resonated with many of us.
It also fit with the theme of “Welcome Home.” We all have a place in relationship with our triune God, and he is in the process of welcoming all peoples to their true home. As our guest performer and lecturer, Canadian Christian artist Steve Bell said during his For the Journey presentation, “We are all in communion with God by his grace” (a play on our denominational name).
Elder Nova Mustifari (left) and John Kabiona of Ottawa GCI honour retiring Pastor Bill Rabey for his 12 years of serving in the refugee ministry.
The presence of many new Canadians from Africa and Latin America gave us all a sense of what the future leadership of GCI in Canada will look like. Canada and GCI have become a new home for immigrants from many countries, and they are excited to be part of this fellowship and are inviting others to participate in this relationship with our triune God.
As Michael Rasmussen kept mentioning during his presentations on the Hope Avenue, “God is calling all people to be a part of the church…they just don’t all know it yet.”