GCI Update
Connecting Members & Friends of GCI
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Place-sharing Connect Group

In February, GCI-Pasadena started a new connect group in Redlands, the neighborhood of a few of our members. This is a mid-week Bible study, but we are only meeting once a month to start.

We are reaching out to those GCI members who cannot attend the weekly church service because of the distance. At the same time, we are going outside the walls. Many in the group are nurses, and since they have already been building relationships (place-sharing), they are planning to invite their coworkers. We are praying for each coworker individually.

Our congregation is passionate and intentional about going outside the walls of our Sunday gathering. We have other connect groups (women, men, couples, seniors, children) that meet either in McDonald’s restaurants or individual houses. We share life on life and always end the meetings with prayer.

I am excited to share the update of our newest connect group and ask for prayers. Please join us in praying that God may continue to lead us to where he wants us to go, as we are “sharing Jesus.”

By Angie Tabin, Pastor
Pasadena, CA, US

Devotional—Let Go to Receive

Have you ever run across a scripture you memorized years ago and have it slap you in the face with the fact that you haven’t fully updated your interpretation of it recently? That happened to me the other day with the text Matthew 6:33. Many of us already have the melody in mind — we often sang it. It was quoted in articles or messages exhorting us towards the goal of the kingdom.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33 NIV

And then it hit me: I had always filed this text in the “things to accomplish, character to work on, another of the should-do, have-to-do” texts in my mental “Christian checklist file.”

But it doesn’t say that, does it? Jesus invites us to seek the kingdom he is offering. (As possible definitions for seek, Strong’s Dictionary lists: enquire into, crave, aim at, meditate on.) It’s a journey of discovery, learning to lean into him because he wants to share his righteousness with us. He knows we can’t come up with righteousness — after all, he said he could not do anything as a human being on his own, so he’s not going to ask us to. The secret is not in what we need to do, but what we need to let go of in order to receive.

Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. The more fully that is understood, the more useless it is to retain a “Christian checklist file.” Instead, we respond to Jesus who lives the way and the truth and the life out in us, as we let go of our need to do things on our own. And as we all know, that isn’t a onetime, done-and-dusted decision — it is a frame of mind to be consciously adopted on a daily basis.

Lord, I believe you are the way. Help my unbelief. Help me let go and receive! Amen.

By Ruth Matthews (1951 – 2023)

Adapted from the full article written in 2022.

Mentoring Insights from Paul

Greg and Susan Williams
Greg and Susan Williams

Dear GCI Family and Friends,

When we turn to Scripture for biblical instruction about mentoring, we often look to the life of the apostle Paul. One passage that stands out is in Paul’s second letter to his young protégé Timothy.

And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2 NKJV

What you have learned from me is not exclusively for you, Paul is pointing out. As a pastor and overseer of the church, Timothy is to pour into others. He is to teach what he has learned from Paul, which is grounded in the life and person of Jesus. He is to teach “sound doctrine,” not myths or speculations. He is to be a guardian and preacher of the good news of Jesus. He is to keep the message and teaching pure and unstained.

Timothy’s doctrine was grounded in what he was given from Paul, and I would strongly suggest that his pastoral skills were shaped by what he learned from Paul as well. Paul’s mantra was, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” In other words, take on the Christ-like ways you see me operating and treating others, and cast away anything that is not Christ-like. This is the relational aspect of ministry skills and practices, which are caught more than taught. This is what is called “the special sauce,” the secret ingredient of mentoring that can only take place in relationships and over time. To learn more, don’t miss our new series, The Art of Mentoring.

Let’s be clear that Timothy and all Christian ministers are to preach the gospel to everybody, but take note to whom Timothy was to pass along the ministry treasures he had received from Paul — to faithful individuals. It doesn’t say popular, smart, good-looking, etc. It says to mentor those who are demonstrating the faithfulness of Jesus in their lives. It is from this passage that we latched onto the acronym FATE. Is this emerging leader, pastor, Avenue champion flowing in the Faith of Christ? Is this candidate Available? Is this individual Teachable? Does this person demonstrate Enthusiasm for the ministry of Jesus? This short checklist proves time and time again to be helpful.

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LiLY Women’s Conference

We would love to invite you to celebrate our 20th year reunion.


20th Annual LiLY Women’s Conference
April 26-28, 2024
Embassy Suites in Independence, Ohio (in person)


But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. Luke 15:20 (NIV)

Registration Fee:
$75 / $85 – Take advantage of our early bird pricing of $75 and register by Friday, April 5, 2024. The registration fee covers the meeting facilities, speakers, conference bag filled with goodies, plus lunch and dinner on Saturday.

Registration for ages 13-17 is at a discounted rate of $50.

Online registration ends on April 14, 2024.

Hotel Reservation/Cost:

Embassy Suites, 5800 Rockside Woods Blvd. Independence, Ohio

Overnight hotel rate is $129 per night, per suite, 4-person room (total with tax is $303.15 ­­­­­­for both nights – breakfast & manager’s reception included).

Click here to make your reservation online.

Group Name: LiLY Women’s Conference

Group Code: LWC

Central Reservations Number: 1-866-344-7548

Deadline for hotel reservations at the special rate is Friday, April 5, 2024.

Register today online at gccle.church/lily

If not registering online: Mail your registration fee and make checks payable to:

Grace Communion Cleveland, 4499 Canterbury Road, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070

(Please include your name, address, phone number, emergency contact name & address, and if you are staying for Saturday night dinner)

If you have any questions, please email us at: LiLYwomensministry@gmail.com

Rosa Hulse
Women’s Ministry Leader
Grace Communion Cleveland

Like/Follow us on Facebook at LiLYWomensConference.

Black History Celebration

On February 24, the GCI Los Angeles congregation held its Black Heritage Celebration worship service, hosted by my wife, Gloria Brooks, and me.

As is the case every year, the theme was Jesus — he is the focal point of Black history and the reason we celebrate. We also integrated the RCL theme, “Trusting in God’s Faithfulness.”

After opening with worship singing and announcements, we offered a prayer of unity. This was followed by a song from our women’s praise team, a poem reading, and a special solo.

We provided two messages. In “There’s More to the Story,” Gloria explained that Black history is more than just the story of slaves being freed. It is also about God’s faithfulness and grace and deliverance for all people. My message, “The Abolitionists,” acknowledged the prominent Black people and white people who opposed slavery but emphasized that Jesus is the absolute abolitionist and liberator.

The service concluded with a worship offering, a final worship song and closing prayer. All of this was followed by great food and fellowship. Special thanks to Leonard and Celestine Olive for capturing the wonderful photos of the event. Overall, the joyful Spirit of God permeated our gathering, and we are so thankful to everyone who joined the celebration!

Steven Brooks, Pastor
Los Angeles, CA, US

Focus on Avenues

Last month, GC Steele Creek provided a presentation we called, “A Whole New World of Avenues.” The purpose was to increase understanding of the three Avenues. The event was a collaboration between our Avenue Champions — Michelle Fleming (Hope), Afrika Afeni Mills (Faith), and Stacey Meade (Love).

After our worship service, we shared a homemade soup and salad luncheon. Following lunch and an introduction by Pastor Dishon Mills, each Avenue champion spoke for 15 minutes, giving a summary of their Avenue. Then we divided into three groups for breakout sessions. Each Avenue had its own station, and groups rotated through, learning more about the Avenue with a hands-on activity.

Our fellowship is a newly formed merger between the Steele Creek church plant and the existing Charlotte congregation. We hoped this activity served as a review of the Avenues and to reinforce cohesion.

Stacey (left) with Afrika Mills

Stacey Meade, Love Avenue Champion
Steele Creek, NC, US

GCI Buzz—Spiritual Formation

Want to deepen your understanding of Spiritual Formation?

In this month’s GCI Buzz, we define Spiritual Formation and show how it is comprised of various practices by which the Father, Son, and Spirit grow believers to become more and more like Christ. Spiritual Formation is an intentional process for developing people in their walk with Christ, which in turn helps in their ministry and development toward Healthy Church.

Click here or the image below to view the entire Buzz. #gcibuzz

Check out the printer-friendly PDF here.

Leading from the Deepest Place

Greg and Susan Williams
Greg and Susan Williams

Dear GCI Family and Friends,

When I attend National Association of Evangelical (NAE) events, I get to sit next to denominational leaders, Christian organizational leaders, and presidents of Christian seminaries. There is a wealth of experience and knowledge in this esteemed group, and I am humbled and enriched to sit among them.

In a recent gathering, I sat next to Richard Stearns, former director of World Vision. World Vision started in the 1950s and has a long history of working around the world to help hurting communities lift themselves out of poverty. Richard, who has recently retired from his position at World Vision, is also a published author and highly respected among his peers. It was unexpected that we ended up at the same table and in conversation.

During our NAE gathering, we listened to a session entitled “Leading from the Deepest Place.” It was a prompt for us to think about what is most important to us in this stage of life and ministry. Another prompt was, “How do we decompress from the pressure of our jobs?” I found Richard’s answer humorous for both questions. He said that retirement was his new stage of life and his method of decompression. That rang true for many of the attendees.

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