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Ted Johnston

Donna and Ted Johnston
Donna and Ted Johnston

Ted Johnston, a member of the GCI’s US Church Administration and Development (CAD) team, grew up in West Lafayette, Indiana. “I attended the Methodist Church during my childhood, but in my teen years drifted away—spending most of my time with school and playing in a rock band (I had hair then!).” In 1968, amidst the turmoil of Vietnam war protests, race riots and assassinations of national leaders, Ted drifted from church. “At the same time, my father had a spiritual awakening through reading WCG literature. Following meeting with a WCG pastor, he urged me to apply to Ambassador College. Though I was not particularly interested, I did so. Following a series of rather miraculous events, I was accepted quite early in the year. I agreed to attend.”

A short time later, Ted attended a WCG church service for the first time (in Indianapolis). Then in late August 1969, Ted entered Ambassador College in Pasadena, California. His first date on campus was with Donna Graves from Pennsylvania. Ted and Donna married five years later.

In 1971, after two years at Ambassador, Ted transferred to Cal Poly in Pomona, California, at the request of Herbert Armstrong, who asked Ted to obtain a degree in landscape architecture so that he could bring that expertise to Ambassador’s Architecture and Engineering Department. Before he finished at Cal Poly, the entire department was laid off. Ted then went to work for EDAW, the landscape architects and planners who had provided services to Ambassador since it opened in 1948. Now employed by others, Ted continued to serve the church and college.

After graduating from Cal Poly, Ted and Donna married and lived for a short time in Southern California, where Ted began serving in youth ministry in the Santa Ana church. “Shortly thereafter, I was transferred by EDAW to Colorado. That is where our children Traci and Joe were born (actually Joe was born at our fall festival in Missouri, but that’s another story!).” Ted worked for EDAW in its Fort Collins, Colorado, office for several years as a project manager, then principal/vice president. “During those years, my family attended the Fort Collins church, where I served in preaching, music (leading the choir) and youth ministry. In 1987 after 15 years in business, I was re-hired by WCG—now to serve in pastoral ministry. My first assignment was in the Kansas City South and Topeka, Kansas congregations as assistant pastor. Then in 1990, we transferred to Colorado where I served as senior pastor of the Grand Junction and Craig churches.” During the years in Western Colorado, Ted also served as district youth ministry coordinator and coordinator of our Vail fall festival site. He also completed a master’s degree in psychology, with an emphasis in family ministry and counseling, at Regis University in Denver.

In 1997, the family was transferred to Ohio, where Ted served for three years as senior pastor of the Akron and Canton churches. Then in 1999, he began working as district superintendent for the Northeast U.S. He also started work on a master of arts in Christian studies degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, which he completed in 2007.

In 2000, in addition to his work as district superintendent, Ted began serving with Jeb Egbert as co-director of WCG-USA youth ministry. “When that ministry broadened in 2005, it was renamed Generations Ministries (GenMin). I had the opportunity to direct GenMin from 2006 through 2010. In 2010, I handed the baton of leadership to Greg Williams, who later handed it to Anthony Mullins.” Ted now serves on the CAD team as a regional pastor, ministry developer and communications coordinator. In the latter role he is webmaster of CAD websites, produces church development videos and produces several online publications: Equipper, GCI Weekly Update, The Surprising God and Sermon Series. Ted also serves on the faculty of Grace Communion Seminary, teaching Trinitarian Youth Ministry and Christian Counseling.

In 2012, Ted and Donna moved from Ohio to the gulf coast of Alabama to live near their daughter Traci, son-in-law Troy Calvert and two grandchildren Lauren (7) and Jack (4). Ted and Donna’s son Joe and Joe’s wife Carey live in San Francisco—a third grandchild is on the way!

Ted said that in all of his WCG/GCI roles over the years, “What has brought me the greatest joy is helping people, young and old, come to know the God who loves them, hear God’s call on their lives and then experience the joy of walking faithfully in that calling. It continues to be a great pleasure to equip people to share in ministry with Jesus. In doing so, I feel God’s presence and experience his pleasure. It has been a source of great joy and peace to share this calling with my wife Donna. She is amazingly loving, loyal and accommodating. We will celebrate 40 years of marriage this June.”

Kernani Cheny

Kernani and Juliette Cheny

Kernani Cheny is a bi-vocational pastor serving GCI’s congregation in Martinique, a French island between Saint Lucia and Dominica. Martinique is referred to as “a little bit of France in the French Caribbean Islands.” Kernani says that his first name is from his father, derived from the Hebrew word “hanini,” which is used three times in Scripture. It means “God is gracious.”

Kernani, who is now 40 years old, grew up attending GCI with his parents. “I grew up in Fort-de-France, the Martinique capital. After graduating from a university in France with a bachelor’s degree in electronics and robotics, I returned to Martinique and began teaching technology and computer science in a secondary school. I also served as the manager of a vocational training center in socio-cultural activities. It was an interesting experience: training people who work with children and teens. This job gave me opportunity to travel and to work on pedagogy and education with many people around the world.”

In 2000, Kernani married Juliette. “We don’t have children but God gave us love for all children.” In 2007, Kernani was commissioned with Charles Voyer to be the pastoral team for his congregation. At the time, Kernani was involved with the teens and young adults. He notes that Juliette’s personal ministy is in encouraging people.

When asked what he enjoys most about being a pastor, Kernani said, “GCI Martinique is a warm and wonderful church. I’m thankful to God for the diversity of experiences with children, teens, young and elderly people. I enjoy especially the brotherhood in the congregation.” About GCI, Kerani said that he loves that it really is an international family.

Kernani’s most memorable times in ministry have been at retreats with teens. When asked about his passion, Kernani said that one passion is pedagogy—the art and science of teaching. “But my greatest passion is teaching about Jesus—a message that is simple, deep, relational and transformational.”

Kernani says he feels closest to God, “during the night when I watch the stars in the sky—it’s so amazing and beautiful. I feel the majesty and the intimacy of God.”

Mike Horchak

Pam and Mike Horchak
Pam and Mike Horchak

Mike Horchak, senior pastor of GCI churches in New Orleans and Hammond, Louisiana, always has loved the outdoors. As a child, Mike spent a lot of time fishing, camping, ice-skating, sledding and bike riding in and around his home in Detroit, Michigan. “From age 11-14 I was a boy scout, attending summer and winter camps and completing a mile swim by age 13. By age 14 I had saved enough to buy a 10-speed bike. Over the next two years I took many long bike rides, the longest being 70 miles in one day. On one occasion I motor-paced behind a large truck, getting up to 38 mph for about a mile (OK if you don’t mind eating gravel!). Today I love deer hunting—a hobby I began in my 30s.”

In 1963, Mike started attending GCI at age 13. “My father had been exploring religion and came upon the Radio Church of God. He began attending, taking with him my brothers and me. My Catholic mother was not interested at first, but started attending later.” Sabbath-keeping created problems for Mike and his brothers, who all were involved in school activities on Friday evenings and Saturdays. “I played drums in the band and ran track—I dropped out of both when we began observing the Sabbath. Initially, I attended church with my parents because I had to, but as time went on, my own relationship with God began to develop. I stepped out in faith and as I did so, the Lord came through in remarkable, unmistakable ways.”

After graduating from high school, Mike attended junior college for a year while working in restaurants. “I love to cook, and seriously considered becoming a chef.”

Mike applied and was accepted to Ambassador College in 1969. “I met my wife Pam while at Ambassador in Pasadena. I had always wanted to marry a girl from the South and she caught my eye early in my freshman year. I was attracted to her sweet and bubbly personality. I won her heart. We graduated on Friday, June 1 and married on Sunday, June 3, 1973. We lived in California for two years then moved to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which is Pam’s hometown. We lived there for the next nine years and I worked for a company that constructed and repaired utilities for municipalities. I helped in the local church speaking and visiting as my schedule permitted.”

Mike and Pam have been married for 40 years. “We have two children: Jeff is single, and a television sportscaster. His passion is sports so he has an ideal job. Our daughter Holly is a newlywed, just married three months ago. She and her husband, Deron Grafton, love children—he is an adapted physical education teacher for special needs children. Holly is employed as a nanny for a baby boy.”

Mike was ordained an elder in 1982. “In 1984, Mr. Tkach Sr. asked if I would go full time in pastoral ministry. After prayer and discussion with Pam, we decided to accept. We were sent to Memphis where I assisted Rowlen Tucker and then Mark Cardona until 1988 when I was sent to be the senior pastor in Clarksburg, West Virginia. I pastored there until 1994 when I was transferred to New Orleans. I have been pastoring in New Orleans ever since and pastoring also in Hammond, Louisiana since 1996.”

Mike sees being a pastor as a “wonderful opportunity to love, serve and share in the lives of many people. To see the grace of Christ when people accept and believe and live in the love of Jesus is so wonderful! To experience people changing to live for Christ and begin to make a difference in the lives of others is most rewarding. My wife has also been a great blessing in my ministry. She has a passion for Jesus and has used her lovely singing voice to bring many into God’s presence in our worship services.”

When asked about his most memorable moments as a pastor, Mike referred to Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. “A majority of the families in our New Orleans congregation lost most of their physical possessions, including homes. The horrible devastation birthed a remarkable opportunity for ministry. I had the privilege of organizing work parties for missionaries in and out of our denomination and experiencing the miracles that occur when spirit-led Christians come together in love and unity to serve those in great need. I will always be grateful to have had a small part in restoring a city that needed love and hope in the aftermath of that great disaster.”

Speaking of GCI, Mike refers to, “the wonder and blessing of seeing God bring us (both young and old) through an amazing spiritual journey as he has furthered the work of the gospel, now leading us into growth through church planting. It’s a wonderful joy!”

When Mike talks about his passion, he talks about hunting and fishing, “experiencing the beauty of the creation God shares with us.” But his greatest passion is “knowing Jesus and making him known by helping others understand how much God loves them and has included them in his life forever.”

Asked when he feels closest to God, Mike said: “When I am able to spend time with my wife, children and others that I love. This gives me a feeling of closeness to God because the special people in my life are a great blessing from him. The triune God models the great importance of relationship with him and others. “I also feel drawn to God when I spend quiet time with him in the woods hunting or on a body of water fishing. Being surrounded by the beauty of his creation reinforces the reality that our awesome God is worthy of our worship.”

Tom Kennebeck

Tom and Sandy Kennebeck
Tom and Sandy Kennebeck

Tom Kennebeck, pastor of Northland Community Church, GCI’s congregation in Orr, Minnesota, grew up in Fountain City, Wisconsin, which Tom says is “a small town in southeastern Wisconsin nestled between towering limestone hills and the mighty Mississippi River. As the oldest of six boys I loved to play outdoors, fish and hunt with my grandpa.”

Tom became part of GCI/WCG in the early ’60s. “I grew up in a home where my Mom was a WCG member and my dad was Lutheran. I believe one of my mom’s favorite scriptures was Proverbs 22:6, ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.’”

Tom remembers working on the Bible Correspondence Course when he was about 10. “I was in the upper bedroom reading about the story of Abraham and his son Isaac. It was at that point I yearned for a faith like Abraham’s. I wanted to know God better.” Tom was also interested in being part of “the one and only true church.” “I did not want to be on the wrong side with God. As I grew in faith along with my denomination, I discovered this ‘truth’ was not true after all, and I came to understand that our relationship with God is founded in Christ and Christ alone. I learned about the God who loves us, and everyone, unconditionally. The journey has been fascinatingly wonderful.”

During his sophomore year of high school, Tom’s dad accepted a job in central Florida. “It was in Florida that my mother and brothers were able to take turns going to a WCG congregation. After graduating from high school I was accepted to Ambassador College in Big Sandy in 1973. After my first semester as a sophomore I was involved in a serious bicycle accident during one of our training exercises. In the spring of that year I discontinued college and entered the work force. In 1989, I accepted a job in the maintenance department at Ambassador University and during that time was able to graduate with the class of 1995. I continued to work at Ambassador until 1999 when I was offered the job of facilities manager at our SEP camp in Orr, Minnesota. My wife and family moved there and then in 2002, when the camp was sold, we moved into the nearby town of Orr.”

Tom and Sandy met at a GCI church convention in Wisconsin Dells in 1978. “We got married in February 1979. We just celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. We have two sons, Mitch (married to Simie Regnier) and Chris and a daughter Brandee (married to Ben Zacharias). We have 5 grandchildren: Esra and Zek from Mitch and Simie; Noah, Gavin and Lillie from Brandee and Ben.

Speaking of his wife Sandy, Tom says, “She is my best friend and the biggest supporter of what we are doing in ministry. She is a great planner and organizer. I believe her relationship with God is very transparent and true. I am so proud to be a part of her life and to have her a part of mine.”

At the close of the camp in Orr, Tom and Sandy said though they realized one chapter in their life was closing, their journey was to take another turn. “I felt a strong passion and I believe my wife and family supported the decision to remain in Orr. I believe it is not so much where we go, but that God is with us and doing his work in and through us wherever we are. Our relationship with the community grew; I became involved with a couple of the different denominations in town with a desire to serve in the church as a leader. My ties with GCI were strong because it is a part of our journey and I felt the strong desire to be a part of what God is doing with GCI. Our GCI district pastor visited us and we started a house church, which led to launching a GCI congregation in Orr in 2005.”

Tom has grown to love being a pastor. “What I like the most is working with people, sharing the love and life of who we are in Christ. I like relational reconciliation and counseling couples for marriage. I enjoy coming to see people become excited about God and how God involves them in his life and ministry.”

Speaking about GCI, Tom says, “What I enjoy most about being part of GCI are the friendships and the incredible journey we have been on. I appreciate the wonderful HQ staff and leadership.”

When asked about his passion, Tom said, “I’ve always liked to travel. I remember taking trips out west with my family at a young age. Shortly after my bicycle accident, several months of therapy and a lot of encouragement and help from a friend, I decided to embark on a 2,000+ miles bicycle road trip, from Texas to Wisconsin Dells to my home, which was north of Orlando. I was six weeks on the road with many flat tires, broken spokes and a lot of sunshine and beautiful sunsets. I met a lot of nice people, slept in some peculiar places and had a lot of time to think. It is during times like that when I feel closest to God. I’ve come to understand that life is a journey, sharing with one another the life and love of our triune God.”

Walter Deptula

The newspaper article below tells about Walter Deptula, pastor of GCI’s congregation in Nacogdoches, Texas. Walter attended Ambassador College in Big Sandy, Texas, in the early ’60s where he first began tuning pianos. (Note: click on the article to enlarge it.)


Roger Abels

Roger and Donna Abels
Donna and Roger Abels

Roger Abels, senior pastor of GCI’s congregation in Fort Wayne, Indiana, grew up in the village of Papillion about 20 miles southwest of Omaha, Nebraska. “I had always taken religion seriously” Roger shared. He enrolled in Midland Lutheran College with the anticipation of entering ministry. “After two years of college, it became clear that the Lutheran synod I had grown up in was becoming increasingly liberal. It was at this time that I began listening to The World Tomorrow broadcast and was immediately impressed that this was a denomination that took both the Scriptures and Christian living seriously.”

Roger left that college and transferred to Ambassador College in 1969. “For the next 45 years I have been blessed to do what I have always loved doing—teaching the word of God.”

Before becoming interested in pastoral ministry, Roger had another interest. “I grew up with a passion for playing baseball. It was the magnet that drew our family closer. I had been scouted by several major league teams, but lost interest after deciding to become a pastor while in college.”

Roger found out that desiring to be a pastor in the Lutheran college, and desiring to be a pastor in Ambassador College were two different things. “I transferred to Ambassador College at a time when ‘wanting to be a minister’ was almost a disqualification. Fortunately I kept a low profile and became a pastor after graduating from Ambassador College in 1972. I first pastored in Philadelphia, then Chicago and Louisville, Kentucky. I have pastored in Fort Wayne for the past 24 years.” Roger recently announced that he will be retiring from employed pastoral ministry this coming June.

While in college, Roger met Donna Lynn May. They have now been married for 42 years. “I would summarize by saying that I definitely got the better end of the deal! For most of our married life Donna devoted herself to staying home with the children. She began painting portraits, landscapes and still-lifes while we lived in Kentucky, and many of her paintings are in various hospitals and courtrooms in Louisville.”

Roger and Donna have three children, Jessica (married to Travis McClure), Courtney (married to Mark Harmon) and Travis (single). “Both daughters are in education and our son edits and produces movie trailers in Los Angeles and New York. We also have five young grandchildren: Ella, Oliver, Owen, Josie and Charlotte.

Roger shares what he enjoys most about being a pastor: “Over the years I have seen Christians struggle in their personal relationship with God—legalism, guilt, the ‘health and wealth’ gospel, etc. My greatest delight has been helping members break through these barriers and enjoy a relationship with God filled with peace, joy and meaning. Paul framed it as being ‘helpers of your joy,’ (2 Corinthians 1:24).” Roger continues: “Whatever gift I have for speaking to people’s hearts has grown out of wrestling with my own struggles.”

When asked about the most memorable moments as a pastor, Roger refers to times when he “preached to some 10,000 people at various feast sites, particularly about the victory we have in Christ.”

Speaking about GCI, Roger says, “Our spiritual journey has been unique and historic. It has been a remarkable experience to have participated with Christ in what he has done in bringing our denomination from the fringe of Christianity into the center of the fold.”

Roger says his passion is “reading (particularly theology and early American history), gardening, photography and sports.” He says he feels closest to God, “in the late evening on quiet walks or while singing worship songs when no one else is around—when only God could enjoy such out-of-tune and off-key singing with mangled lyrics!”

Todd Woods

Todd teaching at the GenMin camp that he directs.

Todd’s parents began attending the WCG church in Peoria, Illinois in 1965 when Todd was three months old. They had been listening to Herbert Armstrong on radio and reading The Plain Truth magazine for years.

Todd and his family lived in Davenport when he was young. He grew up a “south paw” when teachers were still trying to turn left-handed kids into a right-handed kids. “Because my parents were ‘enlightened,’ and also because I finally got a sympathetic teacher in the second grade, they failed to change me into a righty.”

Todd said he drifted around a lot regarding his beliefs during high school. “About a year after I graduated from high school I decided that I had drifted around long enough. Though I had never stopped attending church, I hadn’t really committed myself. In that brief period after high school, I witnessed several people who were close to me abandoning church altogether as they spiraled out of control. It was a wake-up call to follow God’s path and not man’s. I was baptized at my parents’ house as they looked on, greatly relieved.”

It was shortly after this that Todd moved to Southern California. “I spent five years in San Diego trying to pursue an education, hoping eventually to attend Ambassador College in Pasadena. I got pretty thoroughly sidetracked just trying to earn a living. Eventually I moved back to Davenport and paid off all my California debts before finally getting accepted at Ambassador in Big Sandy. After completing my degree there and becoming a staff member for two years, the University closed in 1997. I looked for work in east Texas and Dallas but eventually moved back to Davenport to care for my father who was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Todd was attending the GCI congregation in Davenport when he became part of its pastoral team. “I was commissioned along with John Anderson and Dana Loter in 2008 by Karl Reinagel. Our pastor John Bailey retired that year and moved from the area.”

Todd said being a pastor fits in with his natural gifts. “I’m a fairly open, friendly, straightforward kind of guy. Most people get to know me quickly.” He loves that being a pastor keeps him in God’s word. “I’m constantly on a learning curve. I know that I’ll never know it all; there will always be a new revelation just around the corner.” What he loves about GCI is that it’s “an organization that is also learning constantly. We are not afraid to make changes when they become clear to us.”

When asked about his most memorable moment as a pastor, Todd said, “Thus far, the most memorable moment was baptizing my nephew. It was an absolutely clear and beautiful day and I couldn’t see a thing for the tears in my eyes.”

Todd said he feels closest to God, “when I’m alone and have shut off all the media around me and can begin a serious conversation with the Father. Usually after spending time in the Word.”

Cecil Pulley

Cecil and Senior Pulley
Cecil and Senior Pulley

Cecil Pulley, pastor of GCI’s congregation in Bermuda, grew up in Bermuda’s Pembroke Parish where he attended Bermuda Technical Institute, majoring in building construction. After high school, he worked as a draftsman in a local architecture firm. Then in 1968, Cecil began watching The World Tomorrow telecast. He was fascinated by the presenter’s boldness in sharing his views concerning Bible prophecy and the gospel. Later, Cecil began reading the Plain Truth and other WCG literature. In 1970, he attended his first WCG church meeting when Caribbean regional director Stan Bass visited Bermuda. About a year later, Stan returned and Cecil was baptized.

Sometime later, Cecil moved to Boston to study architecture. There he was able to regularly attend WCG church services. The pastor encouraged Cecil to apply for Ambassador College. He did and was accepted to attend in Pasadena. About his experience, Cecil said this: “Attending Ambassador was tremendously uplifting. On my first day, I met and had breakfast with a young lady from San Francisco named Senior Grundy who would later become my wife. We were married in 1974 and graduated in 1976. After graduation, we moved to Bermuda and began serving in the local church.” The couple will celebrate their 40th anniversary later this year.

Cecil and Senior have one child, a son named Seth—their “miracle baby,” who was born three months early weighing only two pounds. Today, Seth is a healthy 185 pounds and nearly six feet tall. Cecil says that one of his most memorable moments as a pastor (and father) was baptizing Seth.

Cecil was ordained by Stan Bass in 1979 and became the full-time pastor of the Bermuda congregation in 1983 when the previous pastor transferred to another Caribbean island. Cecil says that one of the things he loves most about being a pastor is, “working with God’s people and helping them deal with life’s many issues. To watch the power of God’s love transforming peoples’ lives is awesome!” He notes that what he has enjoyed most about his time in GCI is, “the opportunity to participate in the journey from legalism to grace. Though it has been challenging, it has been gratifying to see where God has brought us, giving us a wonderful new relationship with our Triune God. I also love the camaraderie we all share as ministers of Jesus Christ.”

Several years ago, Cecil led the design and construction of the congregation’s own church building. He calls it a “two-year labor of love,” noting that “we have a first-class facility, which serves our members and local community. There is a nursery school on the premises, which serves area children. My passion is to share the love of God with people in the community, providing them with hope.”

Cecil notes that the times when he feels closest to God are, “occasions in the evening when I can sit on my front porch and gaze up at the stars and commune with my Creator one-on-one, remembering David’s words, ‘The heavens declare the glory of God: the skies proclaim the work of his hands.’”

Ron Felling

Barbara and Ron Felling

“I’m a history nut,” says Ron Felling, pastor of Grace Fellowship, GCI’s church in Tontitown, Arkansas. “I’ve been a historical re-enactor for the French and Indian War (think “Last of the Mohicans”) for the past 20 years. Dagworthy’s company of the Maryland forces made me their unit chaplain. I’ve learned to sew my own outfits [see picture below]. Seeing what their life was like and how God helped them, helps me see how he can help me too. I love seeing his mighty hand at work in people’s lives.”

Ron grew up in Indiana and was active in scouting. “The Boy Scouts made a huge difference in my life. We had an awesome scoutmaster, Otto Jonas, who took us on camp-outs every month, rain or shine. He taught me that I am here to make a difference in the lives of others. Because of him, my Mom and Dad, and many others, I rose to the rank of Eagle Scout.”

It was in 1973 that Ron became part of WCG/GCI. “I was drawn to the WCG after I met a family who attended the Hammond, Indiana congregation. They made me feel like I was part of their family. They adopted me you might say. I attended that congregation until I left for Big Sandy in 1975. I knew I wanted to serve in the ministry, even when we were told that was not the way it worked.”

After graduation from Ambassador College, Ron worked in the Personal Correspondence Department at WCG headquarters, providing encouragement and insight to hundreds of people who wrote asking for direction and help. In 1990, Ron was sent to pastor the Indianapolis and Terra Haute, Indiana congregations.

Ron and his wife Barbara have been married for six years. “She had been my friend for many years, but I was not willing to take another chance on failure after going through a divorce. So for quite a long time I just told myself no. But then my father died of cancer and when I was at the airport waiting to fly to Indiana, Barbara called me and was so compassionate and encouraging and loving that I found the courage to tell her how I truly felt. Now she is more than a friend—she is my wife too. She rescued me.”

Ron and Barbara pastor the Tontitown, Arkansas congregation, which meets just outside of Springdale. “We are a little country congregation. We love the Lord and are growing slowly but surely. Barbara serves as our worship leader—a calling for which she is particularly gifted.”

Ron said he loves to see others step up into ministry and grow. His most memorable moment was the preaching his father’s funeral. “At first I wasn’t sure what I was going to say, but the Holy Spirit was right on time. Surrounded by people I had grown up with, I told them about our Savior Jesus; that he is someone we can trust and not to be afraid.”

Ron (at center) in re-enactment costume

Ron shares the following story about how his involvement with re-enactments gives him opportunity to share the gospel: “After going through a divorce, I was discouraged, and was wondering what to do next. I was at one of our French and Indian re-enactments with my son Aaron who was seven at the time. It was a Sunday morning and the French, English and Indians were all there on parade with flags flying and fife and drums playing. It made me think: Our Lord Jesus goes before us just like the banners fluttering past me. I found myself praying, “Lord, wherever you lead me I will follow. If you open a door for me to speak to your glory, I will walk through it. Please allow me to serve you.”

“It was at that very moment that I heard my name being called, so I looked to see who it could be. Across the parade ground the officers were waving for me to come to them. This was very out of the ordinary, but I ran over to them. When I got there they asked me, “Can you provide us with a worship service today? Our regular guy, the priest from Canada, just let us know he can’t make it.”

“After my prayer I could only say, ‘Yes I can, when would you like it?’ So they looked at the ground a bit and then said, ‘Well, how about in five minutes?’ ‘No problem sir, where do you want it?’ One of them said, ‘How about at the foot of the cross?’ The French had erected one all those years ago. That was almost too much for me.”

“When the officers asked, ‘Is there anything we can help you with?’ I said I could use a Bible since I knew I couldn’t get to mine and be back in time. So off I dashed towards the cross, and on my way I ran into three women wanting to know where I was headed. ‘We are going to have a worship service in about five minutes, and they are going to expect to take communion. Why don’t we all take it together?’

“The women dashed off to get the bread and wine and the plate and cup for our communion service. When I got to the cross, there was a fellow with a red blanket and table and I was feeling so overwhelmed in seeing that God had all the details taken care of.

“The commander showed up with a King James Bible out of the fort’s museum, and people start to show up—about 300 of them. A lady asked me, ‘I have only taken communion when a priest was here. What do you think about me taking it today?’ I told her, ‘We are going to hear about Jesus today, and why he gave the communion service to the church. When its time for communion if the Holy Spirit shows you its OK, then go ahead. After the service she came back to tell me he showed her that it was just the right thing to do. Everyone, including children, took communion. It was a glorious time in the Lord’s presence. We went on to hold a similar service each year after that. God is so encouraging isn’t he?”

Ron says he feels closest to God, “When I see the stars at night and I talk to God about how my hand is in his and how awesome it is to know that he did all this just so I would know I can put my trust in him.”

Sonny Parsons

Sonny and Jane
Sonny and Jane Parsons

Sonny Parsons, who grew up in Jackson, Mississippi, pastors GCI’s congregations in Big Sandy, Texas and Texarkana, Arkansas.

Sonny has a long history of community service. “I always enjoyed serving others. While in high school as an Eagle Scout I helped start one of the first camps for mentally challenged children in Mississippi and served for seven summers with the program. While working as a school administrator and educator, I served for 20 years in the summers as waterfront director or counselor at a Boy Scout camp. As an adult, I attended the National Boy Scout Camping School and served on the faculty in the aquatic section. For the past 25 years I have served with the Big Sandy Volunteer Fire Department as a firefighter and paramedic. I also have served as captain of Emergency Medical Services.”

Sonny credits his parents with giving him a heart for serving others. “They instilled in me a commitment to always treat others like you would like to be treated and help care for those less fortunate. As a child I always wanted to obey God and ‘do what was right.’”

In 1964, while a premed student at Mississippi State University (MSU), Sonny was part of a group of 15-20 students who started listening to The World Tomorrow broadcast. “Many of those students became WCG ministers or Ambassador College faculty.”

Sonny met his wife Jane in high school. “She was a sophomore and I was a junior. We dated for five years and married in 1964 during my senior year at MSU. We have been married for nearly 49 years.” While a married senior at MSU, Jane earned her what Sonny calls a PHT (“Putting Hubby Through”) degree! “Earlier, she had earned a business college degree and now worked to help me finish school. When we first started dating, she passed me a note that was signed with the letters MTYLTT which stands for More Than Yesterday Less Than Tomorrow. She had those letters engraved inside my wedding ring. They speak of our love for each other and our love for God that should be more than yesterday but less than tomorrow. In our wedding service, Jane had a song sung from the book of Ruth with the words, “Where ever thou goest, I will go.” Little did she know that I would drag her all over this earth. But she has always been there by my side.”

Sonny and Jane have had two children: Todd, who died in 2006, and Amy who has served as a flight medic and now is a supervisor with Mother Francis Hospital and Champion EMS. Todd had two girls, Amanda and Alison who live in California. Amy has three children: Treston, who just completed four years in the Air Force; Tory, who is in nursing school; and Tyler, who is finishing her second year in college. They also have one great grandchild, Hadyn, who is Amanda’s daughter.

Sonny has always felt that being prepared and seeking counsel is important. “Upon finishing college, I wrote the Letter Answering Department in Pasadena and asked what field they would recommend. Given my background, they recommended teaching and suggested I read Proverbs 3:5-6. With that passage of Scripture in mind, I prayed. The answer came unexpectedly when a man I had never met asked if I would like to teach school and be his assistant principal! I learned then to take the promise in that passage quite seriously.”

Sonny says that, “trusting God in that way has helped prepare me for life. As Director of YES (Youth Employment Services) with the Jackson, Mississippi public school system, I was asked to develop a career development program for seven school districts. I used godly principles in doing so. I told this to the National Director of Career Education in Washington when he asked why the program was so successful. I was then named as a consultant to the US Office of Education and the project was chosen as a National Exemplary Program in Career Development in the US for young people. Only seven were chosen from the nation, and a book was written about it. This helped prepare me for the development of MPEC, (Mail Processing Extension Center) at Ambassador during the 80s and 90s.”

While working at Ambassador in Big Sandy, Sonny was asked to enter vocational ministry. “Richard Rice, the director of the US ministry, asked Jane and me to move to the San Antonio area where we pastored churches in San Antonio, Uvalde, Corpus Christi and Victoria for seven years. We then asked to return to Big Sandy since our children and grandchildren lived there. In 2002, we were assigned to pastor the Big Sandy and Texarkana churches. We’ve been doing so for almost 12 years.” Sonny says that his most memorable moment as a pastor was baptizing three of his grandchildren.

Sonny with Gov Perry
Jane, Texas Governor Rick Perry and Sonny

As part of his pastoral ministry, Sonny has been actively involved in the community. “I love serving others, and have had the opportunity to serve as Big Sandy’s Mayor, the President of the Ministerial Alliance and member of the boards of the Community Development Corporation, the Rotary Club and the Chamber of Commerce.”

Sonny has earned five academic degrees: an AA and BA in Theology, a BA in Sociology, and MEd and EdS degrees in School Administration.

Sonny says that one of his greatest joys in ministry is “seeing transformation take place in people’s lives as they believe in and accept Jesus Christ and realize that they are under grace.” He loves that GCI has helped him understand “the awesomeness of Trinitarian theology.” Sonny says that his passion is to “become more and more like Jesus.” Other passions include family and “developing lasting friendships and relationships.”

Asked when he feels closest to God, Sonny replied, “When in prayer or when I see his hand at work in events or when I witness lives being transformed.”