Richard Morgan, father of GCI Treasurer Mat Morgan, and husband of Edythe Morgan, is in the hospital with what doctors say is terminal cancer. Your prayers for comfort and healing are appreciated.
Back row: Mat (second from left) and his brothers. Second row: Mat’s parents.
Cards can be sent to:
Edythe Morgan 1203 East Mountain View Avenue Glendora, CA 91741
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Debby Bailey’s father, Hubert Hall. Here is a note from Debby who pastors GCI’s congregation in Pikeville, Kentucky.
Hubert Hall
Dad passed away on December 22. He was 82 years old. His health had been declining over the past few months but his hospitalization for pneumonia and subsequent death in less than a two-week period was unexpected. Dad, who became a WCG/GCI member in 1976, consistently lived his Christian life in front of all who knew him—he was patient, kind and, above all, humble. He and my mom (Lou Ellen) were married for 58 years. I am blessed to have had such a wonderful father.
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of GCI Pastor John Bailey. Here is an obituary from John’s daughter, Dawn Stephens.
Pastor John W. Bailey passed away peacefully at his home in Indian Land, SC, on December 19. He had been a deacon, elder and pastor serving congregations in Cedar Rapids and Davenport, IA, and in Charlotte, NC. He also coordinated GCI’s festival held in Davenport.
Pastor John is survived by his wife Karen Bailey; two children, Dawn (Bob) Stephens and Troy Bailey; two grandsons, Michael Stephens and Jeffrey Stephens; and one great-grandson, Daniel Stephens.
Pastor John was a dedicated servant of God and loved serving the people of his congregations.
Cards may be sent to:
Karen Bailey 1107 Crown Vista Drive Indian Land, SC 29707
GCI Pastor Joseph Franklin in Haiti requests prayer for his nation. Here is his note to us:
Haiti is now threatened by civil war. As I am writing this, we hear shooting all around our home. Please join us in prayer for a quiet and secure Christmas season. Over 100 of the kids in our school here are back home for the holiday and will return here on Wednesday for a farewell lunch.
We were saddened to learn that GCI elder Jerry Cranford died recently. He had served for many years as an assistant pastor in GCI’s congregation in Salem, Oregon. A few years ago, suffering from a number of illnesses, doctors informed Jerry that he would not live to Christmas that year. But God had other plans—Jerry lived to see three more Christmases and died peacefully at age 93.
We thank God for Jerry and for his long life, well lived.
Cards may be sent to Jerry’s wife at this address:
Linda Cranford 1125 McGee Court NE, Apt #234 Keizer, OR 97303
Prayer is requested for Paul Smith, assistant pastor of GCI’s congregation in Big Sandy, Texas. Paul had a serious stroke recently and was in intensive care. Paul and his wife Freia have been married 62 years. Please pray for Paul’s healing and Freia’s comfort. Cards may be sent to:
Paul and Freia Smith PO Box 295 Big Sandy, TX 75755-0295
Thanks for your prayers for GCI pastor Jim Kissee (click here for the original prayer request). Jim’s wife Kaye reports that Jim’s doctor released him from the hospital, saying he’s doing great. Jim is now at home where he is eating solid food for the first time since his surgery, which removed a very large cancerous tumor along and his right kidney. Thankfully, his left kidney is functioning very well, and none of his colon had to be removed.
Jim and Kaye’s family are in town for the holiday. They wish you and yours Happy Thanksgiving, and thank everyone for the continued prayer for Jim’s full recovery.
Cards may be sent to:
Jim and Kaye Kissee 601 N. 36th St Nixa, MO 65714-7558
Two weeks ago, we asked for prayer for Jim Kissee, pastor of GCI congregations in Springfield and Joplin, MO. Here is an update from Jim’s daughter Janna Jones:
Jim Kissee
Dad, Mom and I met with the doctors who will be removing the cancerous mass and also, if necessary, Dad’s right kidney. There is a possibility that they won’t have to remove the kidney, but if the mass is into the covering of the kidney, which they think it might be, then it will have to be removed. The good news is that the left kidney should be fine on its own, though anytime you remove one kidney, kidney failure is a risk. They showed us on a scan how the tumor seems to be moving everything out of its way, though not invading anything, and Dad’s chest is negative for any cancer.
All three of us left the meeting feeling encouraged and hopeful that the surgery will take care of the cancer. Dad will be hospitalized for about five days.
Thank you again for the prayers and encouragement for all of us, we really appreciate it.
Cards may be sent to:
Jim and Kaye Kissee 601 N. 36th St Nixa, MO 65714-7558
Last month we asked for prayer for Earl Jones, pastor of GCI’s congregation in Fayetteville, NC. Here is an update from Earl’s regional pastor, Paul David Kurts:
Earl Jones
I visited Earl and his wife Betty at the facility where he is going through rehabilitation following the stroke he suffered in early October. Earl was in good spirits and doing well. He has improved significantly since I saw him just a month ago. He is still anxious to get back to the gym! Earl and Betty and their entire family are grateful for the prayers, cards and words of encouragement received from GCI brothers and sisters around the country.
Cards may be sent to:
Earl and Betty Jones 168 N. Gaines Street Southern Pines, NC 28387-3906
We were saddened to learn of the recent death of retired GCI-Philippines pastor Jeremiah Ortiguero. Here is a tribute to Pastor Jerry from Eugene Guzon, GCI-Philippines National Director.
Pastor Jeremiah Ortiguero
“Pastor Jerry,” as he was affectionatly known, was one of the longest-serving ministers in the Philippines. Jerry’s father, Pedro Ortiguero, planted our denomination in the Philippines in 1962.
Jerry was in the United Arab Emirates visiting family when he suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. He died peacefully in his sleep on November 14 at age 71. He is survived by five siblings, five children (and spouses), and fourteen grandchildren.
Jerry’s death brings great loss to us in the Philippines where he served the church for a very long time (including several years after he retired). We thank him for an inspiring legacy of living and sharing the gospel, of fatherly love, passion for God and service to God and our members. Though he had his share of life’s pains and challenges, his hope in Christ prevailed. He had a big heart, which continued to beat for God and people until he was called home.
We join Jeremiah’s family in grateful praise to God for a servant who finished well. We say affectionately to him, “Thank you Pastor Jerry for everything! You are dearly loved and highly honored.”
Jesus said… “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26)
Please continue to remember the Ortiguero family in your prayers.