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Jason Richards

Many of us have been praying for Jason Richards, the grandson of GCI pastor Martin Manuel. Jason faces life-threatening health issues. Here is a report from Martin:

Jason’s recovery from the most recent crisis has been quick and remarkable, as stated by a number of nurses and doctors who have attended him for the past few days. He was released from the ICU and we have been told that probably he will go home in a few days. They have changed the medicine that is suspected to be at fault.

After his cardiac arrest, a nurse told us that “angels were with him in the room.” Another nurse said that “the prayers worked.” Though the past few days have been extremely stressful, the grace and presence of God with Jason and each of us has been very clear. Many of you have sent encouraging e-mails and some have called. We appreciate them and especially the prayers!

Love to all, Martin


3 thoughts on “Jason Richards”

  1. May God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, keep your grandson Jason snuggled closely in His loving, caring, compassionate and healing arms during this difficult time – and may Jasons’ recovery be a speedy one.
    Thinking of you all.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

  2. We have known Jason since he was born and he is an amazing little boy, full of love, and he gives joy to many. We pray he will continue to improve during this crisis in his life. Miracles have been performed during his whole lifetime from the time of his first surgery when he was a tiny baby. Our love and prayer for Jason and his family beseech God daily.

  3. Our love and prayers go out to you Jason and your loved ones. I am grateful to God for all his love poured out on you and the stregth he has given you. You, even in your illness, have given a testimony of God’s great love for us all. May God continue to shine upon you and bring you healing.

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