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Ordination in Africa

This report was filed by Kalengule Kaoma, GCI mission developer in Africa.

Ministry and church leaders

I recently visited Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo where 26 ministry leaders attended a one day leadership seminar on September 10. Delegates came from three GCI congregations in Katanga Province: Lubumbashi, Kawama, and Kolwezi. All three congregations are in good spiritual health.

Baby welcomed by pastor Justin-Richard Tshibasu

On Sunday September 11, a special guest attended our Lubumbashi congregation. One and a half month old baby girl Mongenu Kazaka attended a GCI service for the first time. Accompanied by her parents, grandparents and siblings, the baby willingly participated in her “blessing of a child” ceremony. She was deep in sleep, but woke up at the end of the ceremony when we clapped to welcome her.

Pastor Tshibasu congratulated by his daughter

After the blessing, another ceremony took center stage; the ordination to the office of elder of Justin-Richard Tshibasu. To show acceptance, joy, and approval of the occasion, selected representatives from the congregations went forward with ululations and sprinkled white baby powder on the new elder, his wife and the officiating elder.

Pastor Tshibasu and his wife Josephine

2 thoughts on “Ordination in Africa”

  1. Congratulations Pastor Tshibasu and Josephine Tshibasu
    for your servicein the Lord. Continue to submit to Him.God bless.

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