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Peru Seminar

The following report is from mission developer Hector Barrero.

About 40 people recently attended a two day seminar led by GCI in Lima, Peru. Those in attendance included members from Piura, a city in northern Peru near the border with Ecuador. Another group came from La Huaca, Cajamarca, also in northern Peru. Others in attendance included members formerly part of the Adventist Church, including theologian Haroldo Camacho.

Jose Kasum leads the church in Peru and lives about one hour drive from Lima. We used to have weekly services in Lima but due to the high cost of renting meeting facilities, the members decided to have three small groups and get together once a month at Jose’s home. About 25 people total attend in these small groups. Jose and a group of members registered officially the church in Peru with the name: “Comunion Peruana de la Gracia.”

The seminar participants are grateful to the church in Vancouver, Canada for covering the costs of conducting the seminar.