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Jason Richards

The following prayer update is from GCI pastor Martin Manuel concerning his grandson Jason Richards. For an earlier update, click here.

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for Jason Richards. He continues to be a miracle child and testimony of God’s grace.

Jason was released from Seattle Children’s Hospital recently. While there, his doctors adjusted one of his medicines and added another due to a recent event that led to an inability to receive night feedings through his nasal tube. As a result, he was suffering from diarrhea. We asked for prayer specifically about these problems, and they were answered! Jason received daily night feeds and the diarrhea stopped. Already he has started to gain weight!

Our level of knowledge and understanding does not enable us to see how a stroke followed by cardiac arrest can result in improvement. We know that normally they don’t. In fact, normally the percentage of recoveries from cardiac arrest in hospitals is 50% at best. The Lord is batting 1000 with Jason! God did not cause Jason’s stroke; we did – of course not deliberately. When I say “we” it includes all humans who are part of the process – doctors, nurses, employees of pharmaceutical companies and all other caregivers. We do our best most of the time. Occasionally, we drop the ball. But our God in His mercy hears our prayers and acts on our behalf to turn our mistakes into blessings (remember Joseph in Egypt).

Our God – Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit – loves each of us and faithfully answers our prayers. And I believe it is a special joy in heaven when so many are praying fervently together out of compassion and love. Many of you sent e-mail notes of encouragement in response to our prayer request. I am sorry that time does not allow a response to each. But we deeply appreciate the notes and prayers. This has been a rough journey, to put it mildly. You have given us a lot of support along the way. Jason is progressing toward a heart transplant. He and his parents will continue to need your prayers all the way and beyond. We will keep you posted.

Hallelujah to our wonderful God! Thanks again to each of you.

Love, Martin


One thought on “Jason Richards”

  1. Dear Mr. Manuel and Family,
    We are very happy to hear of the improvement in your grandson Jason. May God, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, keep Jason, you and your family snuggled closely in His loving, caring and healing arms during this time of healing for Jason – and always.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

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