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Experiencing the Trinity retreat

GCI’s Odyssey in Christ ministry recently conducted an Experiencing the Trinity spiritual renewal retreat near Orlando, Florida. Participants enjoyed three days of spiritual refreshment focusing on their relationship with God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This time of focused encounter included moments of solitude, prayer, meditation, communion, fellowship, and other spiritually formative activities. The tranquil environment along with good food added to the enjoyment and to the process of spiritual formation.


Here are comments from some of the retreat participants: “I came away with an overwhelming sense of Shalom.” “I’ve experienced the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ through community like never before, it has been a life-change for me.” “This was the first time in my life that I felt the removal of the anger that was within me. I cried with joy that God loved me in spite of myself. I became a participant rather than an obstacle. I began to enjoy the rest of the retreat.”

Plans are underway for an Experiencing the Trinity retreat in the Cincinnati, Ohio area on April 24-27, 2014. This retreat may also be experienced for academic credit through Grace Communion Seminary (the CM07 course titled Experiencing the Trinity begins in January).

Odyssey in Christ helps Christians come to know God better and experience him more fully in their lives. Other spiritually formative retreats/seminars scheduled for next year are listed on the Odyssey in Christ registration web page.