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GenMin Converge conferences in 2014

Converge LogoAnthony Mullins, director of GCI Generations Ministries, spoke recently about the GenMin Converge conferences coming up in 2014: “I have a strong sense, as does the entire GenMin team, that the next round of Converge conferences will be a significant bridge between GCnow and GCnext. We will invite participants to step up in helping build the next generation of GCI and step out into missional living in their communities.”

GenMin invites people of all ages and ministry roles to attend, including pastors, youth workers, camp volunteers, missionaries and other mission-minded people; and bring young, ministry-minded emerging leaders with you. It will be an inspiring time for all!

  • Converge West will be held in the Los Angeles, California area on Friday through Sunday, February 28-March 2.
  • Converge East will be held in the Columbus, Ohio area on Friday through Sunday, March 21-23 [Note: this is a change from what was previously posted here]

Stay tuned to GCI Weekly Update—additional information and registration materials will be available here soon. For articles about the Converge conferences held in 2013, click here (West) and here (East).