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Lexie Ellis

Last week we requested prayer for Lexie Ellis concerning forthcoming surgery to remove a regrowth of melanoma from her brain. We’re happy to report that the surgery was successful and the doctors are pleased with her progress. Lexie is now recovering at home.

Lexie and Mark thank everyone for their expressions of love and support and the continuing prayers.

Cards can be sent to:

Mark and Lexie Ellis
Unit 15
Oscar on Main
1 Hughes Avenue
Main Beach
Queensland 4217

4 thoughts on “Lexie Ellis”

  1. We are so happy that your surgery went well, and do hope and pray that your recovery time will be short. May God Bless.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

  2. Lexie & Mark,
    Our prayers are for you as we lift you up to our Wonderful God! May God Bless you with strength as you recover after the procedure and restore you to full health and service to Jesus’ ministry works soon.

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